Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
For other Lizards, see Reptile.

Zhakar lizards are lean, powerful creatures with muscular hind legs, dexterous front legs, and clawed feet that can grasp any extruding piece of rock, enabling them to climb vertical cliffs as easily as they cross a flat floor.

Their predecessors were three-foot-long animals that were raised in Thoradin as pets, and also used for pest control and food. In the centuries since the Cataclysm, they have been bred so carefully that even the average fastclaw has a five-foot-long body with a four-foot tail, and weighs nearly 150 pounds. The warclaws are even larger, averaging eight-foot bodies and six-foot tails.

Zhakar lizards have keen infravision, with a range of 90'. Their nostrils are also very sensitive. They can detect any unusual odor, even the scent of a creature that might have passed through a cavern four to six hours earlier.

Their eyes are very sensitive to sunlight, however. In conditions of bright daylight, the Zhakar lizard's movement is slowed to 9, and all of its attacks suffer a -2 penalty on hit rolIs.


All Zhakar lizards have sharp teeth, and are quite willing to bite anything or anyone that annoys them. This is the first attack choice of the warclaw. The next attack is with its front claws.

Both the fastclaws and warclaws have a unique ability. Their tongues can shoot outward with blinding speed, striking something as much as eight feet (fastclaw) or 12 feet (warclaw) away from the lizard. The target of the strike is always treated as AC 10. Even objects or creatures moving very quickly can be struck by this tongue.

A sticky secretion allows the tongue to attach to the target. If it is light enough (less than 10 pounds), the lizard can draw it into its mouth. It cannot, however, lift itself up by attaching its tongue to the ceiling or some other raised object. This is a favorite technique for snaring bats, which are one of the food staples of the Zhakar lizards. It can also be used to deflect an arrow that is shot at the lizard or its rider. If the lizard uses its tongue, it cannot make another attack that round. The lizard cannot use this tongue attack at all under conditions of full daylight.

Both types of Zhakar lizard are immune to normal and magical fire-based attacks.

The warclaws are trained to carry Zhakar warriors into battle. The dwarven riders often use a combination of light lances and crossbows for their armament.


The fastclaws are sometimes used as beasts of burden. While not as strong as a horse, their underground adaptability makes them very useful. Their carrying capacities regarding encumbrance are 100/200/300, respectively.
