Wild Talents[]
A wild talent is someone from any other character class who has natural, latent psionic potential. This potential can be present in any character, regardless of class, alignment, or race. Wild talents can never approach psionicists in skill, but they do boast at least one psionic power - which is known as a "wild power" among psionicists.
Any character can test for wild powers (the character should be forewarned: such efforts are not without risk, as explained below). A character can test for wild powers only at specific times: when the character is first created; when the character's Wisdom increases to a higher point than it has ever been; the first time the character goes to a psionicist who can perform psychic surgery on him; when psionics is first introduced to the campaign.
Every character (and NPC and monster, if the DM wishes) has a base chance of 1% to possess wild powers. This is modified as shown below:
Each Wis, Con, or Int score of 18 | +3 |
Each Wis, Con, or Int score of 17 | +2 |
Each Wis, Con, or Int score of 16 | +1 |
Character is 5th-8th level | +1 |
Character is 9th level or higher | +2 |
Mage, cleric, or nonhuman* | x 1⁄2 |
- * Round fractions up. Apply this penalty only once, even if more than one of these descriptions fits (e.g., a "nonhuman mage").
Once you've determined the character's chance to be a wild talent, roll percentile dice. Subtract 2 from the roll if the character is under the guidance of a psychic surgeon (see "psychic surgery" in Chapter 8). If the result is less than or equal to the modified chance, the character has at least one wild power. If the number is 97 or higher, the character suffers dire consequences. See "The Risks" below.
Example: Consider a 3rd level dwarf cleric with a Wisdom of 17, intelligence of 9, and Constitution of 16. His chance to be a wild talent is 1 (base chance) + 2 (Wis 17) + 1 (Con 16) x 0.5 (because he's a dwarf). The final result equals 2%. The dwarf has a 2% chance of being a wild talent. The player rolls a 3 on percentile dice. The dwarf has no talent.
Determining Powers: If a character is a wild talent, the player should roll percentile dice again and consult Table 12, "Wild Devotions" to determine exactly what the character's psionic powers are. Most wild talents have only one power. A lucky few (those with high-rolling players) boast more than one. Furthermore, if a character gains any power with a prerequisite, he automatically gains the prerequisite, too. For example, if the wild talent knows a telepathic power which requires contact (an important telepathic power), he automatically knows contact, too.
Strength Points: Like an actual psionicist, a wild talent has psionic strength points. He receives the minimum number of PSPs necessary to use the power (or powers) once. If a power can be maintained, he receives enough additional points to pay the maintenance cost four times. Afterward, the character receives four additional PSPs every time he gains a new experience level (he receives no bonus for levels he already has).
The Risks: Characters who attempt to unlock their psionic potential are tampering with things they cannot begin to understand. If the dice roll is 97 or higher, the character suffers the following consequences:
Dice Roll |
Result |
97 | Save vs. death or Wisdom reduced by 1d6 points-permanently |
98 | Save vs. death or Intelligence reduced by 1d6 points-permanently |
99 | Save vs. death or Constitution reduced by 1d6 points-permanently |
00 | Save vs. death with -5 penalty or Wisdom, Intelligence, and Constitution are all reduced to 3-permanently |
Clairsentient Devotions | |
01 | All-Round Vision |
02 | Combat Mind |
03 | Danger Sense |
04 | Feel Light |
05 | Feel Sound |
06 | Hear Light |
07 | Know Direction |
08 | Know Location |
09 | Poison Sense |
10 | Radial Navigation |
11 | See Sound |
12 | Spirit Sense |
13 | Choose any clairsentient devotion above |
14 | Choose any clairsentient devotion above |
Psychokinetic Devotions | |
15 | Animate Object |
16 | Animate Shadow |
17 | Ballistic Attack |
18 | Control Body |
19 | Control Flames |
20 | Control Light |
21 | Control Sound |
22 | Choose any psychokinetic devotion above |
Psychometabolic Devotions | |
23 | Absorb Disease |
24 | Adrenaline Control |
25 | Aging |
26 | Biofeedback |
27 | Body Control |
28 | Body Equilibrium |
29 | Body Weaponry |
30 | Catfall |
31 | Cause Decay |
32 | Cell Adjustment |
33 | Chameleon Power |
34 | Chemical Simulation |
35 | Displacement |
36 | Double Pain |
37 | Enhanced Strength |
38 | Ectoplasmic Form |
39 | Expansion |
40 | Flesh Armor |
41 | Graft Weapon |
42 | Heightened Senses |
43 | Immovability |
44 | Lend Health |
45 | Mind Over Body |
46 | Reduction |
47 | Share Strength |
48 | Suspend Animation |
49 | Choose any psychometabolic devotion above |
Telepathic Devotions | |
50 | Attraction |
51 | Aversion |
52 | Awe |
53 | Conceal Thoughts |
54 | Daydream |
55 | Empathy |
56 | ESP |
57 | False Sensory Input |
58 | Identity Penetration |
59 | Incarnation Awareness |
60 | Inflict Pain |
61 | Invincible Foes |
62 | Invisibility |
63 | Life Detection |
64 | Mind Bar |
65 | Phobia Amplification |
66 | Post-Hypnotic Suggestion |
67 | Psychic Impersonation |
68 | Psychic Messenger |
69 | Repugnance |
70 | Send Thoughts |
71 | Sight Link |
72 | Sound Link |
73 | Synaptic Static |
74 | Taste Link |
75 | Telempathic Projection |
76 | Truthear |
77-78 | Choose any telepathic devotion above |
Psychoportive Devotions | |
79 | Astral Projection |
80 | Dimensional Door |
81 | Dimension Walk |
82 | Dream Travel |
83 | Time Shift |
84 | Time/Space Anchor |
85 | Choose any psychoportive devotion above |
86-87 | Roll two times |
88-89 | Roll three times |
90 | Choose any two devotions |
91-99 | Roll on Table 13: Sciences |
00 | Choose any devotion. Then roll again and consult Table 13. |
Clairsentient Sciences | |
01-02 | Aura Sight |
03-04 | Clairaudience |
05-06 | Clairvoyance |
07-08 | Object Reading |
09-10 | Precognition |
11-12 | Sensitivity to Psychic impressions |
13-16 | Choose any clairsentient science or devotion |
Psychokinetic Sciences | |
17-18 | Detonate |
19-20 | Disintegrate |
21-22 | Molecular Rearrangement |
23-24 | Project Force |
25-26 | Telekinesis |
27-30 | Choose any psychokinetic science or devotion |
Psychometabolic Sciences | |
31-32 | Animal Affinity |
33-34 | Complete Healing |
35-36 | Death Field |
37-38 | Energy Containment |
39-40 | Life Draining |
41-42 | Metamorphosis |
43-44 | Shadow-form |
45-48 | Choose any psychometabolic science or devotion |
Telepathic Sciences | |
49-50 | Domination |
51-52 | Fate Link |
53-54 | Mass Domination |
55-56 | Mindwipe |
57-58 | Probe |
59-60 | Superior Invisibility |
61-62 | Switch Personality |
63-64 | Mindlink |
65-68 | Choose any telepathic science or devotion |
Psychoportive Sciences | |
69-70 | Banishment |
71-72 | Probability Travel |
73-74 | Summon Planar Creature |
75-76 | Teleport |
77-78 | Teleport Other |
79-82 | Choose any psychoportive science or devotion |
83-85 | Roll two times |
86-88 | Roll three times |
89-92 | Choose any science or devotion |
93-96 | Choose any science and two devotions |
97-99 | Choose any science and three devotions |
00 | Choose any two sciences and four devotions |