Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

As noted in previous chapters, weapons can be classified into tight and broad groups. All weapons in a tight group are considered to be related to one another; a character proficient in one automatically has familiarity with the rest. Note that a weapon proficiency includes stone or bone versions of the same weapon.

In the listing below, broad groups are noted under the red bold type, and tight groups are in italics.

Axes, Picks, and Hammers

Axes: battle axe, hand/throwing axe, hatchet, two-handed axe, sword-axe, mace-axe
Picks: horseman's pick, footman's pick, pick
Hammers: warhammer, maul, sledge
Unrelated: adze
Bows: short bow, composite short bow, long bow, composite long bow

Clubs, Maces, and Flails

Maces: footman's mace, horseman's mace, mace-axe
Clubs: club, great club, war club, ankus, morning star
Flails: horseman's flail, footman's flail
Crossbows: hand crossbow, light crossbow, heavy crossbow, pellet bow, cho-ku-no
Daggers & Knives: dagger, stiletto, jambiya, main-gauche, parrying dagger, knife, katar
Lances: Light, medium, heavy, jousting


Spear-like polearms: awl pike, partisan, ranseur, spetum
Poleaxes: bardiche, halberd, voulge
Bills: bill, bill-guisarme, glaive-guisarme, guisarme-voulge, hook fauchard
Glaives: glaive, fauchard, naginata, nagimaki, fauchard-fork
Beaked: bec de corbin, lucern hammer
Unrelated: military fork, tetsubo, lajatang

Spears & Javelins

Spears: spear, long spear, awl pike
Javelins: javelin, pilum, dart
Unrelated: harpoon, trident, brandistock


Ancient: broadsword, sapara, khopesh, sword-axe, short sword
Roman: broadsword, drusus, gladius, spatha
Middle Eastern: short sword, scimitar, great scimitar, tulwar
Oriental: cutlass, katana, wakizashi, no-dachi, ninja-to
Short: short sword, gladius, drusus, sapara, dagger, tulwar
Medium: broadsword, long sword, cutlass, sabre, falchion, estoc
Large: bastard sword, claymore, two-handed sword, great scimitar, no-dachi
Fencing weapons: rapier, sabre, main-gauche, parrying dagger
Chain & Rope Weapons: chain, kau sin ke, kusari-gama, kawanaga, chijikiri
Martial Arts Weapons: sai, jitte, nunchaku, sang kauw, three-piece rod, bo stick


Hand match weapons: arquebus, hand gunne
Matchlocks: arquebus, caliver, musket
Wheellocks: arquebus, belt pistol, horse pistol
Snaplocks and Flintlocks: musket, belt pistol, horse pistol

If a weapon does not appear in the preceding listings, it belongs to no weapon group. For example, weapons such as the bolas, the boomerang, or the mancatcher are so unique in their employment that nothing even comes close to being similar.
