Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Faiths & Avatars Text[]

This variant of the wealthtwist spell transforms gems, trade bars, and/or coinage of a value of 500 gp per spell level into one of the following spells: cure light wounds, cure blindness or deafness, cure disease, cure serious wounds, neutralise poison, cure critical wounds, heal, regenerate, and dimension door. If insufficient funds exist for a chosen spell, the caster is instantly made aware of this, and if enough additional funds cannot be touched within the two rounds of the spell's casting, the caster will have to settle for a lesser spell effect or waste the magic altogether.

The priest casts wealthword into the mouth of another being by touch, whispering a word of activation as she or he does so. If the tongue touched ever speaks that word, the spell effect instantly occurs, even if this befalls years later. For example, a nonspellcasting merchant who has a wealthword cast on him—with the necessary loss of cash—loses an arm in a brigand attack years later, gasps out the secret word—and regains his arm.

The spell recipient need not have any familiarity with magic, but must be able to utter the word of activation to enact the waiting spell effect. There is no known way to remove this waiting protection from a being; dispel magic has no effect on it at all.

This spell is sometimes used by Waukeenar as a special boon to Waukeen- worshiping merchants who are willing to make substantial donations to the church in return for some extra protection.

The material component for this spell is the wealth needed to cast the level of spell desired.

Priest's Spell Compendium Text[]

This variant of the wealthtwist spell transforms gems, trade bars, and/or coinage of a value of 500 gp per spell level into one of the following spells: cure light wounds, cure blindness or deafness, cure disease, cure serious wounds, neutralize poison, cure critical wounds, heal, regenerate, and dimen­sion door. If insufficient funds exist for a chosen spell, the caster is instantly made aware of this, and if enough additional funds cannot be touched within the two rounds of the spell's casting, the caster will have to settle for a lesser spell effect or waste the magic altogether.

The priest casts wealthword into the mouth of another being by touch, whispering a word of acti­vation as he or she does so. If the tongue touched ever speaks that word, the spell effect instantly occurs, even if this befalls years later. For exam­ple, a non-spellcasting merchant protected by a wealthword – with the necessary loss of cash – loses an arm in a brigand attack years later, gasps out the secret word – and regains his arm.

The spell recipient need not have any famil­iarity with magic, but must be able to utter the word of activation to enact the waiting spell effect. There is no known way to remove this waiting protection from a being; dispel magic has no effect on it at all.

This spell is sometimes used by Waukeenar as a special boon to Waukeen-worshiping merchants who are willing to make substantial donations to the church in return for some extra protection.

The material component is the wealth needed to cast the level of spell desired.

Notes: Granted by the lesser power Waukeen Merchant's Friend of the Forgotten Realms setting.
