- For other Birds, see Bird.
Vultures and their kin are carrion eaters that roam the skies in search of injured or dead creatures to feed upon.
The typical vulture measures two to three feet long from beak to tail and has a wingspan of five to seven feet. Greasy blue-black feathers cover the torso and wings. The pink head is bald.
Vultures are cowards that wait until an intended meal stops moving. If six or more vultures are present, they may attack a weakly moving victim. Vultures peck with their beaks, causing 1-2 points of damage with each bite. Their claws are used to hold rather than attack a meal. If the victim defends himself, the vultures move back out of reach but maintain their deathwatch.
During the course of a melee in vultures' terrain, vultures appear 1d6 + 6 rounds after a creature is felled. Creatures that are unconscious and injured, dead, magically sleeping, or magically held are considered meals. If the surviving combatants are farther than 20 feet from the fallen creatures, the vultures alight and immediately begin feeding.
Vultures live in flocks that roam warm, open lands. The updraft provided by rising, warm air enables them to remain aloft for hours, while the open landscape helps their search for food. Vulture hens lay Id4 + 4 eggs. These hatch in two months. Chicks are able to fly at four months.
Because of their diet, vultures and their kin have developed a natural resistance to disease and organic toxins. They can safely eat decayed or diseased meat without risk of illness.
Vultures feed on carrion and injured animals. They soar along at great altitude, scanning the landscape with their keen eyesight. When they spot an erratically moving, crippled, or fallen animal, they swoop lower to determine whether the creature is sleeping, injured, or dead. If it is either of the latter cases, the vultures land and prepare to make a meal of the creature.
Giant Vulture[]
Giant vultures measure three to five feet from beak to tail and have a wingspan of ten to 12 feet. They are more fierce than their smaller kin. When they are attacking a prospective meal, they must be physically struck before they retreat.
The tendency of giant vultures to trail injured creatures makes them useful as scouts. Domesticated giant vultures can be trained to associate specific species (such as humanoids) with food, hence the birds will tend to concentrate on locating and following such creatures. If domesticated giant vultures are also trained to stay in a specific region, their trainers can locate members of the indicted species by following the birds' flight. Giant vultures must be raised domestically in order to train them in this way. Giant vulture eggs and hatchlings are worth 30-60 gp.
Condors measure three to six feet from beak to tail and have a wingspan of 13 to 20 feet. They have black, shiny feathers. The head may be bald or covered with black pinfeathers.
Condors are the largest of the natural aerial scavengers. They are immense birds that prefer cliffs and mountainous regions. They rarely land except to feed or sleep. With their great wingspan, they can soar for hours.
Hens lay 1-2 eggs per year. Chicks mature in two years.
Condor eggs and hatchlings are worth 30-60 gp. They can be trained to act as spotters or retrievers. Humanoids of size S or smaller can train them to serve as aerial mounts. Condors can carry up to 80 extra pounds, either held in their claws or riding atop their backs.
Condor feathers are prized for their size and beauty. Pinion feathers are worth one sp each, other wing feathers one cp each. An intact condor is worth five to ten gp.