This spell empowers the spellcaster to expectorate a glob of snake venom. For purposes of determining the success of this attack, the priest's THAC0 is equivalent to a warrior of the same level. The venom can be held in the priest 's mouth indefinitely, but the spell is wasted and the venom lost (with out any harmful effect on the spellcaster) if the priest swallows, attempts to talk, or otherwise opens his or her mouth. Note that contact with the venom does not harm the caster if the venom is used as part of this spell.
Any victim struck by this powerful contact poison (Type M) must immediately make a saving throw vs. poison with a -4 penalty. If successful, the victim suffers 5 points of damage. If the saving throw is failed, the victim suffers 20 points of damage. The onset time is 1 round.
Th e material component s for this spell are a small vial of any sort of snake venom, which is poured into the spellcaster's mouth during the incantation, and the priest's holy symbol.
Notes: Granted by the yuan-ti god Sseth.