Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Used only by evil wizards, this spell enables the caster to transform a single victim into an undead creature under his or her control. The caster touches the subject, who must then save vs. death magic. If the save fails, the subject instantly dies and is transformed into an undead creature under the control of the caster.

The exact type of undead depends upon the level of the victim. Individuals of levels 1-3 become skeletons (50%) or zombies (50%). Those of levels 4-6 become ghouls, those of levels 7-8 become wights, and those of level 9 or higher become wraiths.

Using this spell, the caster can control a number of undead creatures equal to his or her level.

The material component of this spell is dirt from a freshly dug grave.

Notes: Restricted to evil wizards. Uncommon for Red Wizards of Thay; otherwise, rare.
