Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This spell is a closely guarded secret within the upper ranks of the church of Bane, and its use disappeared with the death of Bane. Undeath after death is cast on worshipers of Bane upon the moments of their deaths, transforming them into different forms of undead. Which form of undead a Banite becomes depends on his or her level of experience in life. The more powerful the Banite was in life, the stronger the type of undead. Vampires created by this spell retain character abilities. (If the DM chooses to use the optional rules presented for mummies in Van Richten's Guide to the Ancient Dead, mummies created by this spell retain character abilities, also.) The level of the caster must be higher than the level of the spell's recipient, or the caster must make a saving throw vs. death magic or perish in the casting. In such a case, however, the spell still acts normally on the recipient.

This spell is used only on Banite victims who are about to die (0 hp) or who have died (below 0 hp, or below -10 hp if that optional rule is in use). If the spell is cast upon a Banite after his or her death, it must be cast within one round per level of the caster after death occurs; otherwise, the spirit of the Banite is too far from the body to return and take control. If the caster waits too long, the spell works as an animate dead spell, creating a mundane, mindless zombie.

Level Type of Undead
lst-3rd Ghoul
4th-6th Ghast
7th-9th Ju-ju zombie
10th-13th Wight
14th—17th Mummy
18th+ Vampire

The material component for this spell is a black obsidian heart into which is carved the recipient's name and the symbol of Bane. This heart is shattered during the ceremony.

Notes: Granted by the evil god Bane of the For­gotten Realms setting.
