This spell enables a living spellcaster to assume the form of an undead creature, with all of the attendant abilities, for the duration of the spell. By means of the undead form spell, the caster can assume the form of any type of undead of 8 Hit Dice or less that the caster is familiar with, provided the priest could possibly turn that undead type if six levels below his or her current level. Hence a 7th level priest could assume the form of a skeleton, zombie, ghoul, shadow, or wight, and an 8th level priest could assume any of those forms as well as that of a ghast. The only difference in abilities between a priest using undead form and true undead creatures is that those slain by the caster in undead form do not arise as undead creatures. Hence if the priest assumes the form of a wight and then drains all of the life energy levels of a foe, the foe does not later arise as a half-strength wight under his or her control.
While in undead form, the caster cannot use spells or employ any other granted powers, spell like abilities, or other special abilities. Hit points, Intelligence, and Wisdom are unchanged, but otherwise the priest acquires the strengths and weaknesses of the assumed form including immunities to certain spells, if any. Any hit points lost while in undead form are not regained upon reversion to the original form.
This spell does not work for undead spellcasters.
The material component is a small piece of bone or flesh from the body of being who is now undead.
Notes: Granted by the god Velsharoon the Lich Lord of the Forgotten Realms setting.