Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
See also Infravision (Wizard Spell).

An improved version of the infravision spell, ultravision allows the spell recipient to see perfectly in normal darkness, starlight, or moonlight to the full range of his unobscured daylight vision. (See Chapter 13 of the Player's Handbook ; in most outdoor settings, this means that the character can spot movement at 1,500 yards.) In underground settings, the spell enables the recipient to see up to 90 feet in nonmagical darkness. Magical darkness, fog, or smoke is less effective than normal against a character using ultravision; the spell permits the recipient to see at least 30 feet in magical darkness, and at least 10 feet in any kind of vaporous, foggy, or smoky atmosphere. Ultravision does not permit the recipient to spot invisible creatures, and it does not function in the presence of strong light sources (lanterns, torches, and so on).

The material component for this spell is a black agate worth at least 50 gold pieces.
