Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

A character using psionic ultrablast can overwhelm and damage nearby psyches. To do this, he casts thought waves in all directions. In laymen's terms, the psionicist "grumbles" psychically for three rounds. Then his consciousness bursts forth and a horrid, psychic scream penetrates all minds within 50 feet. Victims may never be the same again.

All characters within 50 feet of the psionic ultrablast must save vs. paralyzation. Failure means they pass out for 2d6 turns. Those who pass out must immediately save vs. paralyzation again. If they fail a second time, they lose all psionic power. Only psychic surgery can help them recover this loss.

Although the blast does not affect the initiator, the risks are great. If the power check fails, he becomes comatose for 1d10 days. Some characters may think he's dead.

Power Score - Creatures of 3 hit dice or less die if they fail their save.

20 - The initiator must save vs. paralyzation or die. If he lives, he loses the use of all his psionic powers for 2d6 days.
