Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

True Paladin[]

Description: This is the typical paladin described in the Player's Handbook. An embodiment of lawful good, he represents the loftiest standards of heroism and righteousness. He is a superb rider, a master of mounted combat, and a fearless fighter. The True Paladin lives to promote his ideals; he seeks to join others who share his commitment to good.

Note: Because the True Paladin has few background requirements and special rules, this kit makes a good choice for players who want to create paladin characters with a minimum of fuss. The True Paladin can serve as a standard archetype for virtually any campaign.

Requirements: Standard.

Ministration: Any. To simplify the character creation process, it's recommended that a lawful good deity serve as patron, and that he has few, if any, formal ties to a government or organized church. The True Paladin may be an orphan whose abilities were granted by a benevolent deity. Alternately, he may be of humble origin, trained by a Mentor who later died or disappeared.

Role: The True Paladin is pious and forthright, sworn to uphold a just code of behavior and determined to rid the world of evil. He serves as the conscience of his party, setting an example of high moral standards and nudging them back on track when they stray from their mission. He respects all lawful good authorities and defers to the elders of his faith.

Symbol: Any.

Secondary Skills: Armorer, Farmer, Groom, Hunter, Leather Worker, Scribe, Trapper/Furrier, Weaponsmith, Woodworker/Carpenter.

Weapon Proficiencies:

  • Required: Lance (any).
  • Recommended: Sword (any), dagger, battle axe, horseman's flail, horseman's mace, horseman's pick, war hammer.

Nonweapon Proficiencies:

Armor/Equipment: Required: Weapon (any), shield (any), and armor (at least chain; must upgrade to plate as soon as he can afford it). A paladin without a horse and tack should acquire them as soon as is practical.

Bonded Mount: Any war horse.

Special Benefits: None.

Special Hindrances: None.
