Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
For other Mammals, see Mammal.

Chimpanzee Hippo Giant Hippo Pygmy Hippo
Climate/Terrain: Jungle Tropical Rivers Tropical Rivers Tropical Rivers
Frequency: Uncommon Common Rare Rare
Organization: Troop Herd Herd Solitary
Activity Cycle: Day Any Any Any
Diet: Omnivore Herbivore Herbivore Herbivore
Intelligence: Low Animal Animal Animal
Treasure: Nil Nil Nil Nil
Alignment: Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
No. Appearing: 5-20 1-100 1-20 1-4
Armor Class: 7 6 6 6
Movement: 12, Climb 9 9, Swim 12 9, Swim 12 9, Swim 12
Hit Dice: 2 8 10+5 4
THAC0: 19 13 11 17
No. of Attacks: 3 1 1 1
Damage/Attack: 1-2/1-2/1-4 3-18 6-24 1-8
Special Attacks: Nil Charge Charge Charge
Special Defenses: Nil Nil Nil Nil
Magic Resistance: Standard Standard Standard Standard
Morale: Unsteady (5-7) Steady (11-12 Steady (11-12 Poor (6-7)
XP Value: 65 975 1,600 175


These are small apes that live in troops dominated by the largest male (15-16 hp). They look comical, but adults are irritable and aggressive. Chimps have tan or brown skin, black hair, and long canine teeth; they eat meat as well as plants. They are mature at eight years, and can live up to 40 years. The largest males reach 5' tall and weigh 175 lbs.

Chimps fight with their hands and teeth, but usually flee from danger into the trees. They will not attack large groups of humans. However, lone humans are fair game.

Chimpanzees live in tight troops within a distinct territory. Where two territories overlap, the troops may fight over the disputed ground. Intruders are greeted with a "smile" that exposes the canines. This is a warning, not a friendly gesture.

Chimps eat fruit, insects, small game, bushpigs, and eggs. Large predators will kill straggling chimps, but most avoid facing the whole troop. Humans sometimes capture young chimps as pets. Playful and docile when young, adult chimps become dangerous and aggressive.

Hippopotamus (Hippo)[]

See also Herd Mammal II.

These huge pachyderms have wide jaws, tusks, and short tails. They are common on the rivers of the Dark Continent and spend much of their time in the water. They are irritable and unpredictable. They are infamous for coming up under boats on rivers, capsizing them and attacking the swimmers. Coming between a hippo and water prompts an immediate attack.

Hippos use their powerful jaws in combat. Males cause 3-18 hp damage, females 2-12 due to their smaller tusks. If able to charge at least 50', the four-ton body knocks prone any man-sized opponent, who is then trampled for 2-11 hp damage for each front foot that hits.

Hippos live in loose herds that meander along the rivers. One may encounter one hippo one day, and dozens the next. Intruders prompt the hippos to yawn, exposing their tusks. This is an aggressive warning, not sleepiness. Hippos must roll in mud or water daily, as their skins dry out quickly.

Hippos eat large amounts of grass and water plants. Their actions and wastes are important in maintaining the ecology of the rivers. Adults are usually safe from predators, but young fall prey to crocodiles and lions. Humans hunt hippos for their hides (10-40 gp) and tusks (20-120 gp each).

Giant Hippo[]

Sometimes called behemoths by northerners, these are a prehistoric relative of the common hippo. They look and live much like their smaller kin. Males cause 6-24 hp damage, females 4-16. Their trampling damage is 3-18 per foot. Their hides (20-50 gp) and tusks (40-240 gp each). Giant hippos live only in isolated lakes and rivers.

Pygmy Hippo[]

These are smaller versions of the common hippo, but still reach 600 lbs. They are shy and solitary animals, rarely found in large groups. Males cause 1-8 hp damage, females 1-6 hp damage. Humans do not value their hides or tusks.
