Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Any square that a creature can reach with its weapons or claws also threatens those squares and therefore any characters or creatures standing in one of the threatened squares. The character's own facing doesn't matter—it's possible to be threatened by someone standing behind you.

Threatened characters can choose to ignore the creature threatening them and take any combat action they wish, but if they do, the threatening creature gains an immediate attack of opportunity. The following actions create an attack of opportunity for the threatening creature:

  • Attempting missile combat (other than at the threatening creature, and only in the combat round when it first threatens the character).
  • Moving away from the threatening creature. This includes move, charge, and run, but not withdraw.
  • Turning so that the threatening creature is now in a rear square.
  • Attempting an unarmed attack against any foe except an unarmed human-like creature.

Monsters and characters threaten all eligible squares throughout the entire round. If a character tries to sprint through the threatened squares to get by the defender, the defender gets an attack of opportunity as the character runs by. If the creature being attacked suffers from a successful knockdown roll or if a critical hit from the attack of opportunity is suffered, then it must stop moving. Otherwise, it may run by the creature threatening it.

POCT Diagram 4

Diagram 4

Unusual Monsters and Threatening[]

There are a number of creatures that do not have a clear front facing. Who can tell what the dangerous end of an ochre jelly or otyugh is? These amorphous monsters don't have rear or flank spaces, and therefore threaten any character who moves next to them.
