Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki


As noted above, not every Viking was honest and true. Viking thieves, while not common, can and did exist—although not without modification to reflect the time period.

The greatest difference between standard AD&D® game thief characters and those found in the Viking campaign are the abilities to open locks and find and remove traps. Viking thieves do not gain these powers because the characters would not have had experience with these items. Locks were rare, and even those that existed were simple and primitive affairs. Likewise, the practice of trapping chests or treasures was unknown, so again there was no opportunity to learn the craft.

To compensate for the loss of these abilities, Viking thieves instead gain the ability to open barred doors. While locks were rare, barring doors was not. With this ability, the thief can use a number of tricks and tools (such as thin pieces of wood or a sword blade) to silently lift or slide the bar out of place—when the thief is on the wrong side of the door! This is not a Strength-based rating; it is a percentage chance (that can be improved) like other thief abilities. All Viking thieves begin with a base 10% chance of success in this area. A high Dexterity does not improve this skill.
