Created by the Simbul, this spell allows the caster to transform the energy of another spell memorized by the caster into healing magic. The synostodweomer is cast, and then another spell of the caster's choosing. The second spell does not take effect, although any material components it requires are con- sumed or altered in the usual manner for that particular spell, and the spell still vanishes from the caster's mind.
Any being touched by the caster regains 2 hit points for every level of the transformed (second) spell (a 9th-level spell would give an injured being back 18 hit points). This spell does not grant extra hit points, but "excess" points conveyed can have special effects. An excess of 5 points cures any one disease possessed by the injured creature, and an excess of 7 points banishes all effects of poison. If both afflictions are present, the caster must choose which to cure unless there is enough of an excess-12 points-to cure both. A synostodweomer does not affect lycanthropy. If the recipient is nei- ther diseased nor poisoned, or there are not at least 5 extra points conveyed, the excess curing is simply lost.
The healing capability endowed by the synostodweomer must be used within three rounds, or both it and the second, transferred spell are lost and wasted. Healing can be only granted by direct flesh-to-flesh contact.
Only spells memorized by the caster of the synostodweomer can be transformed into healing energy by this spell. It can- not transform spells from scrolls or spell-like magical item functions or abilities.
Notes: Known to the Seven Sisters, their apprentices, select Harpers, and the Red Wizards; rare or very rare. Known to be in Vaerendroon's Ineffable Enchantments.