Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
See also Proficiencies (CPsiH).

The table below (along with the "General" group table in the PHB) lists the nonweapon proficiencies available to psionicists at the regular slot cost. Add one to the cost for proficiencies taken from other groups.

Table 82: Nonweapon Proficiencies

———General Group———
Proficiency Slots Ability Modifier
Contact 1 Wisdom 0
Mental Armor 1 Wisdom -2
———Psionicist Group———
Proficiency Slots Ability Modifier
Gem Cutting 2 Dexterity -2
Harness Subconscious 2 Wisdom -1
Meditative Focus 1 Wisdom +1
Musical Instrument 1 Dexterity -1
Reading/Writing 1 Intelligence +1
Rejuvenation 1 Wisdom -1
Religion 1 Wisdom 0

Note: Italicized proficiencies are described in this book. All others are in the Player's Handbook.
