Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

A mythal is a huge webwork of magical force-beams given life by a cabal of mighty wiz­ards and sustained by the natural processes of its surroundings. It is a living thing. The details of mythal creation are lost, but the mythal that envelops the ruined city of Myth Drannor in the Forgotten Realms setting was created by nine wizards, of at least 41st level and casting 10th-level spells. This huge zone of living magic twists normal spellcasting in a number of ways.

Enchantment and divination magics and de­vices do not operate in the mythal, nor do clairsentient or telepathic psionic disciplines. Translocation magics such as teleport, dimen­sion door, and their psionic counterparts operate unreliably. On the other hand, dimension-span­ning magics such gate, plane shift, banishment, and the astral spell are far easier to use, with in­creased capacity and little cost. Similar psionic powers operate at half PSP cost.

All other magics have a 10% per spell level chance to create a “wild surge” instead of the de­sired spell effect (the Wild Surge table in the wild magic section can be used). If this check is passed, the caster must still make a saving throw vs. death magic or lose control of the dweomer in a surge that will either maximize (50%) or minimize (50%) the effect of the spell in terms of duration, damage, number affected, and so on (the DM may vary the effects of each surge slightly).

The mythal has randomly occurring “magic strong” and “magic dead” areas, as well as secret effects built into the original weave by the wiz­ards that constructed it. The weave mythal spell creates a temporary zone of stability in which magic can function normally for a time.
