Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

The most powerful psionics of Athas are the High Sciences. a group of abilities that far exceed the normal range of powers. Unlike a lesser science or devotion, the High Sciences cannot be selected by a character when he advances in level. Instead, they must be researched through extensive meditation.

Only single-classed psionicists may attempt to learn a High Science; multiclassed characters cannot achieve the single-minded discipline necessary to master these arts.

High Sciences can be researched as if the character was trying to create a new science. but require a base time of 200 days. The study of a High Science is a ways considered to be a difficult enterprise. and the psionicist suffers a -4 on his progress checks through the course of his meditation.

Characters must be at least 10th level to attempt to learn a High Science. No characters may ever learn more than one High Science; once they have mastered the High Science for their primary discipline, they cannot try to research another.

The High Sciences are described in detail in Appendix A: New Psionic Powers section of this book They are presented below.

Cosmic Awareness: The High Science of Clairsentience. The psionicist gains extraordinary powers of perception and detects any change in his surroundings.

Megakinesis: The High Science of Psychokinesis. The character learns to amplify his telekinetic powers a hundredfold. moving thousands of pounds at once.

Elemental Composition: The High Science of Psychometabolism. The character can assume the form of any element.

Planar Transposition: The High Science of Psychoportation. The psionicist gains complete control over the interfaces of other realities with the Prime Material Plane.

Mass Contact: The High Science of Telepathy. The character learns how to affect dozens or even hundreds of minds at one time with his telepathic powers.

One final note: the High Sciences are completely optional. The DM can rule that such powerful abilities have no place in his or her campaign.
