Character Description: This character is both similar to and very different from the Doomed Champion. Like the Champion, he knows that a particular grim fate awaits him: Death. But he's very philosophical about it and does not torture himself about it. He's likely to be an old campaigner with very few illusions left, but with a keen appreciation of all life has to offer.
Best Suited For: In terms of alignment, Lawful and Neutral characters are most suited to be Fated Philosophers; Chaotic characters are seldom that introspective. The Philosopher is equally suited to Good, Neutral, and Evil characters. In terms of Warrior Kits, the Philosopher is most admirably suited to the Samurai. He's appropriate to most of the other kits as well, except the Berserker, which isn't a very introspective sort of hero.
In Combat Situations: Different Fated Philosophers face combat in different fashions. Some are as thoughtful in combat as elsewhere, and take a very analytical approach to combat: Striking where the need is greatest, evaluating the enemy's strategy, and so forth. Others, knowing that they cannot forestall their fate, jump into the thick of things and fight with unrestrained battle-fury (and, perhaps, joy). The player is left to decide how his Fated Philosopher character fights. Basically, he should simply choose the method of combat he prefers for this character, and then rationalize it according to the character's philosophy of life.
In Role-Playing Situations: The Fated Philosopher is often a sort of fatherly-advisor character. He thinks about everything, he's full of sage advice. Though he may be driven by goals as strong as any other character's, in person he is seldom very intense.