Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This spell transforms the corpse or partial remains of a single upright bipedal creature of any race into the animate force of a helmed horror. The horror rises from the remains three rounds after spellcasting is complete, entering its armor. If armor is not present, the horror dissipates, and the spell is wasted.

The caster or another being must wear the armor as the horror enters it, a process described as "unbearably chilling." This often causes the armor wearer to faint. The horror gains its knowledge of how to fill the armor and something of its independent reasoning from the armor wearer, who need not be of the proper class to use the armor. Once the horror has entered the armor, the armor should be removed, since within one turn it animates as a fully functional helmed horror. Details of a helmed horror are given in the FORGOTTEN REALMS Campaign Setting box in the MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM® sheets and in the MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM Annual, Volume One.

The remains need not be whole and are consumed in the casting, but they must be the remains of a creature that was of evil alignment for at least part of its life or the spell has no effect. The doom of Bane destroys the remains forever, preventing resurrection, animation as an undead creature, speak with dead, and similar activities from affecting them. A helmed horror is not regarded as an undead creature, however. It cannot be turned, affected, or dispelled by holy beings or things.

The material components of this spell are a pinch of bone powder or a bone shard of any origin, a pinch of dust, and a fairly complete, nonmagical, nonaligned suit of metal armor, which serves as the body of the helmed horror.

Notes: Granted by the evil god Bane of the For­gotten Realms setting.

Helmed Horror: AC 2; MV12, fly 12 (E) HD 4+1/level; THAC0 12; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon or 1d4 (fist); SD innate feather fall, immune to illusions, Enchantments/Charm spells, and mind affecting magic, healed by magic missile (excess reflects back at caster); immune to three specific spells chosen by creator, SZ M (6' tall); ML fear­less (20); Int high (14); AL LN; XP 2,000.   
