- Once upon a time, before a world-rattling incident now known as the Time of Troubles, the gods and goddesses looked down from on high at us poor, ground-crawling mortals, and did whatever they pleased with us and our fates.
- After the Troubles concluded, Ao the Mysterious One rewrote the rules on the relationship between the worshipers and the worshiped. Suddenly, each and every god's power was in measure to the number and sincerity of its worshipers. Powers started giving special incentives to their clergies in order to keep the mortals' devotion. Suddenly, things got a lot more interesting. Ah, divine rivalries: are they not grand?
- In addition to giving special powers to their clergy, the gods decided that defenders of the faith were needed. They desired to inspire mortals whose moral alignment and ethos were the same as that of the god, and had the muscle to fight to defend the god and its temples. This priest would gladly fight to preserve his god's ideas. The gods needed a crusader.
- The great sage Wibstahr defines holy as "devoted entirely to a deity or the work of a deity." Someone who is holy is set apart for divine work. Holy does not exclusively mean "good," though it is most often used to express just that. Despite Tempus' penchant for chaos as governed by neutrality, his and all the other gods' and goddess' crusaders are still called "holy warriors." The powers that embrace evil have given their stalwarts the same name as well, although the less educated call them "unholy battle priests".
- Some ignorant folk say that a crusader is just the same as a paladin, and that is most decidedly not so. A crusader is devoted to one god alone. I've seen paladins, on the other hand, who serve no one god, but are pledged in the service of Good, or venerate several deities who are lawful. A paladin's actions are most often defined as good, and goodness is not something solely attributed to one power or god.
- Crusaders are actually priests that are ready to champion the causes of their god, defend the worshipers of said god, and actively seek out and destroy their god's enemies. A crusader is, in essence, a walking martial manifestation of that god's ideals—in other words, they are fanatics.
- Soon, many of the gods of the Realms had crusaders to champion their new faiths. Some are acceptable, such as crusaders of war gods like Tempus, Tyr, and Torm. Others are rather frightening, such as the dark crusaders of Talos or Shar.
- If a crusader is the military epitome of his god, then one can expect a superb fighter who revels in war as Tempus' holy warrior, or a cruel, vicious champion for Loviatar's crusader. Dare we imagine what happens to someone who crosses a crusader of Sune, goddess of love and passion? Hmmm...
- I leave you with these words, friend: Watch closely the crusading warriors who are actuully priests. Mark these paragons of faith well, for I sense that they will be making quite a name for themselves in the Realms, for good or ill purposes alike.
- As for me, I'm off to find a crusader of Sune to test out my theories.
- Mendryll Belarod the Halfelven, bard at large
Crusaders, ofttimes called "holy warriors," are the militant arm of faiths in the Realms. Their title is deceptive, since they are, in fact, a sub-class of priests rather than a sub-class of warriors.
DMs should take care not to allow crusaders to degenerate into pious fighters with the best skills available to both the priest and warrior classes. Role-playing a crusader is a demanding thing, since the character is a paragon of the principles and standards of his god or goddess. The crusader must share in the same likes, dislikes, and ideals as that god. Due to the aggressive nature of this sub-class, DMs may wish to limit the number of different deities' crusaders in a party to a maximum of three.
Although each deity has a specific set of limitations for their respective crusaders, there are restrictions that apply to all crusaders regardless of who they worship.
Ability Scores[]
All crusaders must be strong enough to take up arms in the god's name, tough enough to endure those rigors, and wise enough to be well-versed in the deity's doctrines. Hence, all crusaders must have a score of 14 or better in Strength, Constitution, and Wisdom scores.
Racial Requirements[]
Crusaders are open to any race unless stated otherwise. Crusaders of the demihuman pantheons are open only to the respective race.
Alignment Restrictions[]
In order to take up arms in a god's name, the crusader must act in a manner that closely mirrors his god's. Thus, a crusader's alignment must match that of the god heserves exactly.
Dual- and Multi-Class Characters[]
As mentioned in the prelude, crusaders are the fanatics of their respective faiths. Single-minded in their service to their gods, the crusaders have been trained since childhood by their temples to serve loyally and serve without question.
Therefore, due to this slavish devotion to one mindset and one faith, there are no multi-class or dual-class crusaders in Faerûn. A holy warrior must be trained from childhood, so the warrior could not be some other class first. Furthermore, there is no such thing as a "former" holy warrior—The only way to leave this devout occupation is to die in its service.
Level advancement[]
Crusaders advance levels at the same rate as clerics, but they do not gain a 10% experience point bonus for exceptional prime requisite scores.
Hit Dice and Hit Points[]
Unless the individual god calls for otherwise, all crusaders use the same eight-sided dice that priests use for hit points. Some crusaders enjoy the warrior class' +4 maximum hit point bonus for exceptional Constitution scores, but this is highly rare.
Crusaders begin with and gain weapon and nonweapon proficiencies just like regular priests. However, they can choose from the General, Priest, and Warrior lists. There are special exceptions that grant access to the Rogue and Wizard skills as well, depending on the god.
Being a subclass of priests, crusaders make their attack rolls and their saving throws on the same tables that normal priests use. They can wear any type of armor and shield. Since combat is their strong point, they can use any weapon they choose, rather than just blunt weapons.
Some deities have a preferred weapon, which the crusader must select. In this case, a crusader must be proficient in the use of his deity's preferred weapon.
Magical Abilities[]
Crusaders cast clerical spells at one level less than they would if they were "normal" priests. Due to the holy warrior's primary emphasis on combat, crusaders also do not get spell bonuses for high Wisdom scores.
Turning or Commanding Undead[]
Unless the description under "Special Abilities" forbids the turning of undead, the crusader can turn undead as a priest of the same level. If the crusader can command undead, this will also be mentioned.
Additional Abilities[]
Due to the direct duties performed for his deity, a crusader can cast augury once per week per level. At 5th level, the crusader can cast divination once per week for every five levels. At 7th level, a crusader can cast commune once a week. These are special gifts to keep them on the correct path intended by their gods.
Crusaders do not attract followers, nor can they build a temple or stronghold at higher levels. However, when a crusader reaches 7th level, he must select one temple or shrine that serves as his main source of guidance. He must also swear to defend the place from all harm, coming to its aid whenever needed. See "Holy Disgrace" below for information if a crusader should fail in his duties to a chosen temple.
Other special abilities of a crusader depend on the deity. Consult the list below for each deity's benefit to their respective crusader. If a deity has no entry, they do not count crusaders among their faithful.
Auril NE[]
Auril's crusaders gain a +1 saving throw bonus vs. any cold attacks. In the hands of a crusader of Auril, a frost brand +3 sword also grants the wielder a 50% magic resistance. These crusaders cannot turn undead.
Azuth LN[]
Crusaders of Azuth gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against any forms of magic. They cannot cast wizard spells, but they can read spells off of wizard scrolls and use them as well. They cannot turn undead.
Beshaba CE[]
Once a day, crusaders of Beshaba can make one NPC's attack roll, proficiency check, or saving throw fail. They cannot turn undead.
Chauntea NG[]
Chauntea's crusaders are granted one additional spell per spell level from the Plant sphere. These crusaders also gain a +1 bonus on saving throws vs. poisons. They also cannot turn undead. In the hands of a crusader of Chauntea, a staff of the woodlands also gains the additional abilities of a staff of striking.
Cyric NE[]
Cyric's crusaders cannot turn or command undead. Due to Cyric's recent reduction in power, the only benefit his warriors get is the ability to make a surprise backstab like a thief of equal level.
Deneir NG[]
Crusaders of Deneir have a 10% chance per level of identifying a nonmagical rune or glyph, and gain a +2 saving throw bonus against the effects of glyphs. All crusaders of Deneir must have at least an Intelligence of 14, and they cannot cast Combat spells.
Gond N[]
Crusaders of Gond can find concealed or secret doors on a roll of 1-3. They cannot turn undead, but they do get a free engineering nonweapon proficiency.
Helm LN[]
Helm's crusaders are surprised only on a 1, and gain an extra Guardian sphere spell per spell level.
Ilmater LG[]
Crusaders of Ilmater are immune to fear and can cast remove fear on one person per level once a day. In addition, they never fail morale checks. These crusaders cannot turn undead.
lyachtu Xvim LE[]
Xvim's crusaders radiate fear in a 10' radius once per day, and they can cast confusion once per week. They cannot turn undead.
Kelemvor LN[]
These crusaders can turn and command undead. They can also detect undead within 60' along one particular direction at will. Each attempt takes one round.
Lathander NG[]
If he sleeps for at least four hours, an injured crusader will awaken at dawn with 2 hit points restored per level. Lathander's crusaders cannot turn undead.
Loviatar LE[]
Loviatar's crusaders must be proficient in the scourge. They radiate a pain aura in a 10' radius for 1d6 rounds once per day; all within its radius must save vs. spells or suffer a
-2 penalty to attack rolls and any Dexterity-related proficiency. They cannot turn undead and have no access to the Healing sphere of spells.
Malar CE[]
Once per day, the crusader can transform into a clawed, fanged beast-man (#AT 3, Dmg 1d6/1d6/1d8 plus Strength bonuses) and attack with a feral fury. In this form, the warrior gains a +4 against all mind-affecting spells. The change lasts for one round per level of the warrior. They cannot turn undead.
Mask NE[]
Crusaders of Mask 'must have a Dexterity of 14 or better. They gain thieving abilities as a thief of the same level. Crusaders of Mask cannot turn undead or cast spells from the Combat or Sun spheres.
Mielikki NG[]
All of Mielikki's crusaders have the ranger's bonus non-weapon proficiency of tracking without the -6 penalty. They cannot turn undead
Mystra NG[]
When they first begin their careers, crusaders of Mystra must select one school of magic. For this magic, the crusader sacrifices access to the Animal, Combat, Plant, and Weather spheres of priests' magic entirely. Thereafter, the crusader can gain spells from that school of magic in spell slots as if they were priest spells of the same level.However, he or she still needs to learn the spells from wizards and use a spellbook in prayers to Mystra.
Oghma N[]
Oghma's crusaders can recite inspiring poetry, adding +1 bonuses to all party members' attack rolls once during a melee encounter. They can also cast legend lore once per month and they can also turn undead.
Selûne CG[]
All crusaders of Selûne must be female. They are immune to lycanthropy. The warriors suffer a -1 penalty to all rolls when fighting under a new moon and -5 to all rolls when in total darkness.
Shar NE[]
Shar's crusaders automatically gain the blindfighting proficiency. They can command and turn undead. The warriors suffer a -1 penalty to all rolls when fighting in daylight or dusk. The crusaders of Silvanus are surprised only on a 1 when out in wilderness areas and can speak with animals at will. However, they cannot turn undead.
Silvanus N[]
The crusaders of Silvanus are surprised only on a 1 when out in wilderness areas and can speak with animals at will. However, they cannot turn undead.
Sune CG[]
All crusaders of Sune must have a Charisma of 16 or more. They have a +4 bonus to all reactions with NPCs of their same race and a +2 bonus with all other races. This bonus increases by +1 to both ratings for every three levels of the crusader.
Talona CE[]
Crusaders of Talona are immune to all nonmagical poisons, and they have a 10% chance per level of identifying any poison. They cannot turn undead.
Talos CE[]
Talos' crusaders revel in chaos, destruction, and foul deeds. They gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws, and are immune to diseases. They can detect good 60' in one direction. They radiate protection from good 10' radius, and can turn or command undead. If a crusader of Talos finds a magical sword +2 known as a Dark Reaver, it gains all the abilities of its good counterpart, the Holy Avenger, in his hands. It also deals +10 damage against lawful good targets rather than chaotic evil enemies.
Tempus CN[]
These fanatical crusaders can remain conscious and fight until they reach -10 hit points, then drop dead. They cannot turn undead.
Torm LG[]
Torm's crusaders radiate protection from evil in a 10' radius, and gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls against chaotic evil opponents. They cannot cast spells from the Weather and Animal spheres.
Tyr LG[]
Crusaders of Tyr enjoy the special ability to detect evil like paladins, and they can also turn undead.
Tymora CG[]
Once per day, crusaders of Tymora can cancel a failed roll and succeed at the desired action. They cannot turn undead, and can only use blunt weapons.
Umberlee CE[]
Crusaders of Umberlee can only turn or command undead found in the sea. They start with the swimming proficiency and, after 10th level, they suffer no combat or movement penalties underwater.
Clangeddin (Dwarves) LG[]
All dwarven crusaders must take weapon proficiencies in the hammer and battle axe. Their attack rolls are +2 to hit against giant and goblinoid races. They cannot turn undead, nor can they cast spells from the Animal or Plant spheres.
Corellon Larethian (Elves) CG[]
Elven crusaders must take weapon proficiencies in either the long or short sword, and either the long or short bow. These crusaders must have a Charisma of at least 15, and can be elves or half-elves. They cannot turn undead.
Lolth CE[]
This offshoot of the elven pantheon is a crusader devoted to the Queen of Spiders. All crusaders of Lolth must be female. Aside from the normal crusader and drow benefits, the crusader of Lolth is immune to web spells and can cast web once per day per level.
Gaerdal Ironhand (Gnomes) CG[]
Gnomish crusaders are humorless figures that follow the deity Gaerdal Ironhand. Gnomish crusaders start out with a burrowing animal companion, This is not a familiar. This animal is the voice of the gnomish gods, and can only be heard by the crusader. The animal offers advice and commentary, and when the crusader uses Divination spells, the deity speaks through the animal.
All gnomish crusaders must have a Dexterity of at least 15. They cannot turn undead.
Arvoreen (Halflings) LG[]
These crusaders must take the sling as a weapon proficiency, but they get double the sling's normal rate of fire. Halfling crusaders cannot turn undead.
Holy Disgrace[]
A crusader falls into "holy disgrace" if he fails to protect his sworn temple or otherwise violates his oath to a sworn temple (after 7th level). It also happens if the crusader undergoes a voluntary alignment change that, in the DM's opinion, also constitutes a breach of the god's ethical teachings.
When in holy disgrace, the crusader is stripped of all his abilities and becomes a generic cleric. The disgraced crusader is also marked by a sigil visible only to priests of the same faith. The mark, known as anathema, bids its viewers to terminate the fallen one.
Once a crusader is considered anathema, there is no returning to grace except to get an atonement cast upon them by a specialty priest of the same god. Naturally, this atonement will be granted only after the crusader undergoes a long and dangerous quest that must involve a particular obstacle of the faith.
If a crusader somehow changes alignment yet still maintains strict adherence to his god's ethos, he must still work towards moving back to the mandatory alignment. Such a priest has one month per level to return to the correct alignment, or suffer anathema.
DM Warning[]
Please remember that the crusaders of the evil gods are presented not as playable characters, but rather as interesting, unique adversaries for the player characters to confront and defeat. Perhaps a paladin PC may have a crusader of Talos as an ongoing nemesis, or a PC cleric of Selûne may have an crusader of Shar as a foil. The possibilities are limitless and add new depth to the religions of the Realms.