Like harbingers, constructs are images that allow a psionicist to concentrate on his mental defense. Mind blank constructs are landscapes in which the psyche can hide. Thought shield constructs are arms that can parry or confuse blows. Mental barrier constructs are concepts that can fill the mind, while those of intellect fortress are living fortresses. Lastly, tower of iron will constructs are strong places in which the mind can hide.
The 20 common constructs are presented below.
- The Void (Voi): Empty of substance, the Void is unassailable and cannot be harmed.
- The Forest (For): A wealth of life misdirects the attacker, leading him astray.
- The Mudflat (Mud): Liquid mud frustrates the attacker, miring him in featureless terrain.
- The Ruins (Rns): Utter anarchy and destruction surrounds the mind with a pathless barrier.
- The Shield (Shd): Swiftly moving to block any blow, the Shield is unbreakable.
- The Rune (Run): Mystic defense halts the most determined attack with but a word.
- The Armor (Arm): Impenetrable protection surrounds the psyche, defeating all assaults.
- The Wall (Wal): An endless barrier that is continuously renewed as it is destroyed.
- The Truth (Tru): Lies and deceit cannot withstand the pure light of the Truth.
- The Will (Wll): Not in can overcome one whose Will is truly unbreakable.
- Acceptance (Acc): Embracing the attack can often defeat it. Denial (Den): If the attack does not exist, it cannot harm.
- The Cha'thrang (Cha): Bristling with chitinous spikes, the How Do the Defenses Work? cha'thrang is impervious to attack.
- The Beetle (Btl): A rock-hard carapace surrounds the psyche, deflecting even the strongest blows.
- The Drake (Dra): Sheer strength and mass shrug off the most dire wounds.
- The Bramble (Bra): Razor-sharp thorns bar the passage of any attacker, guarding the psyche.
- The Tower (Tow): Strong and tall, the Tower is unassailable. The Rampart (Ram): Layers of defense upon defense can trap and destroy any attack.
- The Gate (Gat): The path to the mind is barred with locks of steel and gates of stone.
- The Crag (Cra): Lonely and strong, the crag resists all attacks.