Chapter 1: Character Creation[]
- Character Creation
- The Barbarian Fighter
- The Shaman
- Homeland Terrain
- Intelligence and Charisma Limits
Chapter 2: Special Characteristics[]
- Special Characteristics
- Alignment
- Magic
- The Talisman
- Money
- Language
- Strongholds
- Followers
- Reaction Penalty
- Physical Abilities
Chapter 3: Barbarian Kits[]
- Barbarian Kits
- Acquiring Kits
- Kit Subsections
- Fighter Kits
- Cleric Kits
- Creating New Kits
- Other Kits
- Dual-Classed Barbarians
Chapter 4: Proficiencies[]
Chapter 5: Weapons and Equipment[]
- Weapons and Equipment
- Using Outworld Items
- Values
- Armor
- Clothing and Body Decoration
- Transportation
- Weapons
- New Magic Items
Chapter 6: Barbarian Cultures[]
- Barbarian Cultures
- Social Organization
- Economics
- Conflict Resolution and Social Control
- Technology
- Religon
- Warfare
Chapter 7: Role-playing[]
- Role-playing
- Demographics
- Barbarians in the Outworld
- Common Traits
- The Barbarian's Personality
- Experience
- Appendix: Value of Animal Products
- Barbarian Character Record Sheets
- Barbarian Kit Sheet
- CBarbH Tables List