This spell has two distinct uses, one of which must be chosen during spellcasting.
In its primary form, a test of maat discovers emanations of injustice, dishonor, disorder, and sin from any creature with in its area of effect, a corridor 10 feet wide and 120 yards long. The duration of this spell effect is 1 turn + 5 rounds/level. Character alignment (or, more precisely, deviation from the ethos of law and good) is revealed only indirectly, if at all. The primary effect of this spell is to reveal whether a creature is accordance with the concept of maat—that is if they are at peace with the gods and living a happy life. A test of maat registers (indirectly) whether the person has performed activities offensive to Horus-Re such as providing offerings to Set or Sebek, acting disrespectfully to priests, treating slaves poorly, etc. If multiple individuals are within the area of effect, a priest must be of 5th level or greater to differentiate the status of each individual; otherwise the group is perceived as an average of sorts. The degree of discord in an individual and its general nature can be sensed by a priest of 9th level or higher. The priest must concentrate—stop, have quiet, and intently seek to detect the aura of maat—for at least one round to receive a reading. This aspect of the spell only functions with in the geographic sphere of influence of the Mulhorandi pantheon.
In its alternative form, a test of maat spell allows the priest to determine whether or not a morally ambiguous contemplated action falls within the strictures of maat. In this form, when a test of maat is cast, the priest imagines a possible course of action for himself or herself (and possibly some companions). The spellcaster immediately receive s a positive or negative feeling as to whether or not the contemplated action would violate the limits of maat, and the spell effect ends immediately there after. There is a base 100% chance of receiving an answer to this form of test of maat. However, Horus-Re encourages his followers' ability to think for themselves and is less responsive to requests to provide advice that occur less than a tenday apart. For every day less than 10 that has yet to pass between casting s of this spell, the base chance of not receiving a response increases by 10%. For example, if this form of a test of maat was last used three days ago prior to the current spellcasting, there is a 70% chance of not receiving a response.
The material component for this spell is the priest's holy symbol held over his left eye with his right hand.
Notes: Granted by the Mulhorandi god Horus-Re of the Forgotten Realms setting.