Complete Wizard's Handbook Version[]
By means of this spell, the caster causes two 10-foot-long greenish tentacles to grow from his body. One tentacle grows on each side of the caster's body, centered between his armpit and his thigh. The caster can use the tentacles as normal appendages to grasp tools, use weapons, or help with climbing.
Each tentacle can make an attack, effectively giving the caster two extra attacks per round; a tentacle can strike to inflict 1-6 hit points of damage, or it can wield a sword, dagger, or other weapon (at the same ability of the caster). The flexible tentacles can easily reach victims on any side of the caster's body.
If an unarmed tentacle makes a successful strike against a victim who is man-sized or smaller (less than 7 feet tall), it also grabs and holds the victim to inflict an automatic 2-8 (2d4) hit points of damage in every subsequent round. To free himself, the victim must sever the tentacle; there is no way to loosen the grip other than severing the member, killing the caster, or negating the spell with dispel magic. A tentacle is severed if it takes 10 hit points of damage; damage directed at the tentacle has no adverse effects on the caster.
A caster with two intact tentacles adds a 40 percent bonus modifier to his climbing success rate (see page 122 of the Player's Handbook, ) and adds a 20 percent modifier if he has only one intact tentacle.
The material component for this spell is a dried tentacle from a small octopus
Wizard's Spell Compendium Version[]
By means of this spell, the caster causes two 10-foot-long greenish tentacles to grow from his body. One tentacle grows on each side of the caster's body, centered between his armpit and his thigh. The caster can use the tentacles as normal appendages to grasp tools, use weapons, or help with climbing.
Each tentacle can make an attack, effectively giving the caster two extra attacks per round; a tentacle can strike to inflict 1d4 points of damage, or it can wield a sword, dagger, or other weapon (at the same ability of the caster). The flexible tentacles can easily reach creatures on any side of the caster's body.
If an unarmed tentacle makes a successful attack against a creature that is man-sized or smaller (less than 7 feet tall), it can hold and constrict, inflicting an automatic 2d4 points of damage in every subsequent round. The tentacle's effective Strength is 18/20; creatures of equal or greater Strength take no constriction damage.
Constriction continues until the tentacle is severed (requiring 8 points of damage, which does not otherwise affect the caster), until the caster is killed or rendered unconscious, or until the spell is successfully dispelled.
A caster with two intact tentacles adds a 40% bonus modifier to his climbing success rate (see page 122 of the Player's Handbook.) and adds a 20% modifier if he has only one intact tentacle.
The material component for this spell is a dried tentacle from a small octopus.
Notes: Rare spell.