Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
For other teleport spells, see Teleport Spells.

This spell is similar to the teleport spell. The caster is able to transport himself, along with the material weight noted for a teleport spell, to any known location in his home plane with no chance for error. The spell also enables the caster to travel to other planes of existence, but any such plane is, at best, “studied carefully.” This assumes that the caster has, in fact, actually been to the plane and carefully perused an area for an eventual teleportation without error spell. The table for the teleport spell is used, with the caster's knowledge of the area to which transportation is desired used to determine the chance of error. (For an exception, see the 9th-level wizard spell succor.) The caster can do nothing else in the round that he appears from a teleport.

Probability of Teleporting (from Teleport spell)
Destination Is: High On Target Low
Very familiar 01-02 03-99 00
Studied carefully 01-04 05-98 99-00
Seen casually 01-08 09-96 97-00
Viewed once 01-16 17-92 93-00
Never seen 01-32 33-84 85-00

High-Level Campaigns Book Notes[]

Teleport Without Error: As with teleport, this spell only allows travel to known locations. To know a location, the caster must learn what the place looks like or must be able to surmise where it is. For example, if the caster has been blindfold, carried into a chamber, then allowed to look around, the character could use teleport without error to return to the chamber even though he has no idea where the chamber is. The caster also could teleport without error into the courtyard of a castle visible in the distance even if he had never seen the courtyard before. Note that in both cases the caster could employ a normal teleport spell, but the caster's lack of knowledge about the destination would make the attempt dangerous.

A teleport without error spell has no chance for error if the destination lies in the same world as the caster. If the caster accidentally specifies a destination already occupied by a solid object, the character is automatically displaced a sufficient distance to allow for a safe arrival.

Teleport without error also allows travel between world (planes, crystal spheres, and pocket dimensions) but there is a chance for error, see the spell description for details.
