Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

The Complete Psionics Handbook[]

A teleport trigger is a programmed event which causes the psionicist to instantly and reflexively teleport to a safe location. After making a successful power check, the psionicist must specify where he intends to go. He must also define very specifically what conditions will trigger the teleportation. These can be anything he wants, but the teleport will not be triggered unless he is aware that the conditions have been met. A volcanic eruption 500 miles away will not trigger teleportation unless the character has some way to know that the volcano is erupting.

For example, here are three typical triggers: being reduced to 10 or fewer hit points, seeing a mind flayer, and being attacked by a magic missile spell. When such predetermined conditions are fulfilled, the character instantly teleports to the programmed location.

When the teleport is triggered, the character must have enough PSPs remaining to teleport to that location, because he pays the cost just as if he were performing a normal teleport (see  "teleport"). He must also make a teleport power check, with penalties based on the distance traveled. If this power check fails, so does the programmed teleport.

No PSPs are spent when the trigger is defined, but the character spends two points per hour from that time just to maintain the trigger. The trigger remains in effect until the character stops paying the maintenance cost.

Power Score - The character can ignore power score penalties for distance.

20 - No other effect.

Player's Option: Skills & Powers[]

This power allows the user to establish a specific event that will instantly activate his teleport power. It is a reflexive event, occurring as soon as the conditions are met without any conscious effort on the part of the user. After successfully rolling the power's MAC number, the user must specify where he wants to teleport and define very specifically what conditions will trigger that teleport. These conditions can be anything he chooses, but they must happen in his immediate vicinity to activate the trigger.

When the teleport is triggered, the user must have enough PSPs remaining to pay the teleport cost. (If he doesn't, the power fails to activate.) He must also make a teleport MTHAC0 roll. If the roll fails, the power doesn't work. The trigger remains active as long as the user pays the PSP cost.
