Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
See also Teleport.

The Complete Psionics Handbook[]

Teleport is the essential power within this discipline. It allows the psionicist to teleport to a familiar spot. The destination must be a place that the character knows and can picture mentally - even if he's never actually been there. For example, a psionicist may still know a location that he has seen through a crystal ball, via a sight link, or even by scanning someone else's mind for the information.

The psionicist can still teleport to a place even if it has somehow changed from the way he pictures it. For example, if a room has been rearranged, or is currently on fire, such changes won't affect the teleport.

Teleports always take characters to a fixed location. For example, if a character tries to teleport into a gypsy wagon which is on the move, he'll arrive at the wagon's location when he last knew it. The wagon itself may be miles away by then. Also, if the character was picturing the wagon's interior, he will teleport to the space corresponding to the wagon's interior - which is several feet off the ground! Because the wagon itself has moved, the teleporter will fall when he arrives (imagine teleporting to a room on the fifth floor of a tower, only to discover the tower has been razed by marauders since your last visit).

Teleportation is instantaneous. The teleporting character simply ceases to exist in his previous location and springs into being at the destination. There is a slight, audible " pop" at both ends, as air rushes into the sudden vacuum or is instantly displaced.

Restraints do not affect teleportation. A character who is tied up, shackled to a wall, or buried up to his neck can still teleport. The restraints remain behind.

Clothing, on the other hand, does accompany a character who teleports. He may also carry small items in his grasp or wear equipment (e.g., armor) on his person, not exceeding one-fifth of his own body mass. If he doubles the amount of PSPs expended, he can carry up to three times his body mass, or take along one or two other characters on whom he has a firm grasp.

A character can teleport any distance, but as the distance increases, so does the chance of failure and the cost in PSPs. Ranges, point costs, and power score modifiers are shown below.

If the teleportation die roll is al or 2, the character and anyone else with him are momentarily disoriented by the jump. They can do nothing during the round which immediately follows the teleport. After that, they suffer a 2-point penalty to the following for 1d6 rounds: initiative die rolls, psionic power checks, and attack rolls.

Distance Initial
Power Score Modifier
10 yards 20 +1
100 yards 20  0
1,000 yards 30 -1
10 miles 40 -2
100 miles 50 -3
1,000 miles 60 -4
10,000 miles 70 -5
planet to planet* 100 -6
*Players with the SPELLJAMMER boxed set should note that interplanetary teleports are possible only within the same crystal sphere. It is impossible to teleport between crystal spheres or different planes of existence.

Power Score - The PSP cost is reduced by 20 percent, rounded up

20 - No effect.

Player's Option: Skills & Powers[]

This power allows the user to travel to a familiar spot. Teleport is instantaneous and always takes a character to a fixed location. There is a slight audible pop at both ends, signaling use of the power. The destination must be a place the user knows or can picture mentally. Even if the user never has been there, he may still know a location via use of ESP or another power. He can also teleport to a place even if it has changed from the way he pictures it; rearrangement won't hamper the teleport power.

Restraints don't affect this power. The user can bring his clothes, small items, and equipment (up to one-fifth of his body mass). Doubling the amount of PSPs spent to activate the power lets the user carry up to three times his body mass, or to take along up to two others he has a firm grasp on. The cost to use this power varies with the distance traveled, as indicated below.

Distance PSP Cost Power's MAC
10 yards 10/5 9
100 yards 20/10 8
1,000 yards 30/15 7
10 miles 40/20 6
100 miles 50/25 5
1,000 miles 60/30 4
10,000 miles 70/35 3
Interplanetary* 100/50 2
* Teleport only works within a given plane or crystal sphere.