- See also Telekinesis.
The Complete Psionics Handbook[]
Telekinesis, or "TK" for short, is the ability to move objects through space without touching them. All telekinetic efforts tend to be physically taxing, because they involve real work. Moving small, light objects is relatively easy. As the objects become more massive, the task becomes significantly more difficult.
The costs above (3 PSPs initially and 1 per round of maintenance) assume that the object being moved weighs 3 pounds or less. For heavier objects, these rules apply:
- The initial cost equals the object's weight in pounds.
- The maintenance cost is half the initial cost, rounded down.
- The character's power score is decreased by one-third of the object's weight in pounds, rounded down.
For example, to telekinetically snatch a 15-pound battle axe from a rack, a psionicist must pay 15 PSPs and make a power check with a -5 modifier to his score.
A psionicist using TK can move an object up to 60 feet per round. The object can serve as a weapon. In this case, the character attacks using his own THAC0 score, with a penalty equaling the objects weight modifier (one-third its weight, rounded down).
Power Score - The character can lift a second item of equal or lesser weight simultaneously for the same cost.
20 - The psionicist "fumbles" the item, knocking it over, etc.
Player's Option: Skills & Powers[]
This power allows the user to move objects without touching them. Telekinesis tends to be physically taxing, as it takes a lot of internal energy to move objects. Small objects are easy. But larger, more massive objects are significantly more difficult.
The cost listed above assumes the object being moved weighs three pounds or less. For heavier objects, use the following:
- PSP cost equals the item's weight in pounds.
- The power's MAC improves by a bonus equal to one-third of the item's weight, rounded down. For example, moving a 10–pound rock requires rolling against a MAC of 5.
Telekinesis moves the targeted item up to 60 feet per round. Items moving at such a slow rate of speed don't make effective weapons, but items weighing more than three pounds can be used to disrupt spellcasting or psionic use. The user rolls his base THAC0 score to hit, with a penalty equal to one-third of the item's weight, rounded down. For example, if a hero whose THAC0 is 15 wants to attack a priestess whose AC is 0, he needs an 18 or better to hit her with a 10–pound rock.
Telekinesis can be used to perform very fine work, such as writing or sewing. The user must be capable of performing the work himself, and a second MTHAC0 roll (and second round of power use) is needed to complete fine work. If the hero wants to use the power to pull an item away from an opponent, use the rules for psychic contests, except that the defender uses his Strength score to decide the contest.