The tattoo of power is a method of implanting spells using the art of tattooing. The wizard casts the tattoo of power in conjunction with the spell to be implanted in the tattoo. The wizard then begins to tattoo the recipient of the spell. When finished, the tattoo contains the power of the spell, which can be released simply by touching the tattoo and uttering a command word. Once the spell is cast from the tattoo, the markings of the tattoo fade and disappear almost immediately.
When the spell in the tattoo is released, it operates exactly as if it were cast by the wizard who originally implanted the spell. If a 10th-level wizard implanted a spell, it is released at the 10th level of ability.
Tattoos can take a lot of space. For every level of the spell implanted, the tattoo will cover a 2-inch square of flesh. This limits the number of tattoos that can be drawn upon the average human body. Up to four levels of spells could be inscribed on the average human arm, 10 levels of spells on the chest, and six spell levels on each leg. There are practical limitations to this-magic becomes “fuzzy" when condensed into such a small area. No more than four tattoos of power can be placed upon a single individual at any one time. Finally, the caster of this spell must have the tattooing proficiency or the spell will not function.
Notes: Common for spellcasters from an Arabian setting; otherwise, very rare. Optionally uncommon for Savage mages and geometers.