Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
For other Birds, see Bird.

These aquatic birds tend to inhabit areas frequented by similar waterfowl. Such areas include rivers, ponds, lakes, and marshes.

There is a 10% chance that any swan encounter includes one or more swanmays in avian form. Twenty-five percent of swan encounters are with a solitary swan; if it is a normal swan, it is always male (a “cob”). Otherwise, such encounters are mated pairs of cobs and pens (females) with their cygnet offspring. There are 1-2 cygnets or 1-3 eggs per mated pair. If the swans' territory is invaded, both adults forcefully attack the intruder by a flying leap, bite, and blows from both wings. Such an attack is 50% likely to blind or confuse an opponent; in this case, the for is unable to make any attack the following melee round.

Swans possess acute senses. They are 90% likely to detect intruders. When detection occurs, all swans join in a loud warning chorus. If there are no eggs, the swans swim or fly away.
