Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

With this power a psionicist can "play dead" - bringing all life functions to a virtual halt. Only the most careful examination will show that the character is still alive. Even psionic powers such as life detection and ESP will not turn up any evidence of life unless those powers are maintained for at least three minutes. Use of the probe power will detect life immediately.

The psionicist can remain in suspended animation for a number of weeks equal to the results of his power check - or less. When he wishes to put himself to sleep, he first decides when he wants to wake. Then he makes his power check. If the number rolled is less than the time he hoped to be "suspended" he awakens prematurely.

Another willing character can also be suspended for the same PSP cost (not at the same time as the psionicist, however). This has a preparation time of one hour and a range of touch.

Power Score - The psionicist remains aware of his surroundings and can wake at any time he chooses.

20 - The psionicist falls unconscious and only violent slapping can revive him.
