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Powers & Pantheons Text[]

This spell, previously known simply as summon minion, is available only to priests of the Mulhorandi pantheon. It enables the caster to summon one divine minion (see the MONSTROUS COMPENDUIM entry at the back of this sourcebook). Th e minion appears where designated by the caster within the spell's range. Th e divine mini on serves the priest faithfully, performing any command that does not violate the dictates of its deity. This includes giving up its life in combat. Only one minion may serve a priest at a time.

The material components for this spell are the priest's holy symbol and a large gem of at least 1,000 gp value, which muse be sacrificed to the deity in the casting (and is destroyed in the process).

Priest's Spell Compendium Text[]

This spell, previously known simply as summon minion, is available only to priests of the Mulhorandi pantheon. It enables the caster to summon one divine minion. The minion appears where designated by the caster within the spell's range. The divine minion serves the priest faithfully, performing any command that does not violate the dictates of its deity. This includes giving up its life in combat. Only one minion can serve a priest at a time.

The material components are the priest's holy symbol and a large gem of at least 1,000 gp value, which must be sacrificed to the deity in the casting (and is destroyed in the process).

Notes: Granted by the Mulhorandi deities of the Forgotten Realms setting.

Divine Minion: AC -2; MV 12; HD 6; THAC0 11; #AT3/2; Dmg 1d12 or by weapon; SA Attack as 10th level fighter, animal form; SD Save as 10th -level fighter, immune to magic causing fear or doubt; MR 10%; SZ M 6 1/2'; ML fearless (20); Int high (13); %; AL as deity; XP 2,000.

These are messengers and servitors of the Mulhorandi deities. They appear as large, well-muscled warriors in bronze armor decorated with the symbol of the deity. They favor large khopeshes, scimitars, and two-handed swords. A minion is 25% likely to have a magical weapon of up to +2 enchantment Minions need not eat or drink, and they and their equipment disappear if they are slain (they are reformed by their deities in the Outer Planes). They radiate a faint aura of their alignment and the deity's portfolio; for example, minions of Hathor inspire inherent trust, while those of Set produce instinctive dislike in animals, which flee.

The minions of Set are most active, carry khopeshes or broad swords, and wear black scaly plate mail armor. They often serve as military advisors to mortal worshipers.

Divine minions can also change shape at will to animal form, usually only when absolutely necessary. This takes less man a single round, in which the minion's initiative modifier is 5. The minion retains its AC, Hit Dice, and hit points, while gaining the animal form's movement rate, attacks, and any special attack forms. The form dictates how minions coordinate with each other. Bears, hawks, scorpions, and snakes fight alone; crocodiles and ibises attack in swarms; lions and jackals coordinate in complex strategies, includ­ing ambushes and other ploys. Animal types are summarized on the Minion Table.

Minion Table
Animal Deity (AL) Move  #AT DMG  SA
Baboon Thoth (LN) 12,12 in trees 1 1d4 Nil
Brown Bear Osiris (LG)
Set (LE)
12  3 1d6/1d6/1d8  Paw hit on 18+ gives hug for 2d6
Cave Bear Geb(N) 12  3 1d8/1d8/1d12  Paw hit on 18+ gives hug for 2d6
Cat, wild Bast (CG) 18, CI 9,9 in trees 3 1d2/1d2/1d2 Surprised only on 1-2; opponent surprise penalty -3; if both paws hit, rear claw rake for 2 x 1d2
Cobra, giant Nephthys (CG) 15 1 1d3 Poison bite: Save at -2 Die/10 onset 2d4 rounds
Cow, horned Hathor (NG) 15 1 1d4  Trample for 1d4 if in group stampede
Crocodile Nephthys (CG)
Sebek (NE)
Set (LE)
6, swim 12 2 2d4/1d12 Opponent surprise penalty -2
Crocodile, giant Sebek (NE)  6, swim 12 2 3d6/2d10  Opponent surprise penalty-2
Hawk Horus-Re (LG)
Isis (NG)
Nephthys (CG)
Osiris (LG)
1, fly 33(B) 3 1d2/1d2/l  Swoop at +2 for double damage Beak hit 25% eye, blind 1d10 rounds (permanent eye loss: 10%)
Ibis Thoth (LN)  swim 6, fry 12 (C) 1 1d3 Nil
Jackal Set (LE) 12 1 1d2  Nil
Lion Anhur (CG)
Bast (CG)
Horus-Re (LG)
12 3   1d4/1d4/1d10 Surprised only on 1, leap 30', if both paws hit, rear claws rake for 2 x 1d6+1
Leopard Bast (CG) 12, climb 9 3 6 in trees, swim 6 1d3/1d3/1d6 Surprised only on 1, opponent surprise penalty -3, leap 20' up or 25' forward, if both paws hit rear claws rake for 2 x 1d4
Scorpion Set (LE) 12 1d8/1d8/1d3  Claw hit grips for 1d8 continuous Sting poison onset 1 rd., save for death/0.
Snake, giant Set (LE)  15  1 1d3 Bite poison onset 1 rd, save for death/0