Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This spell calls into existence that strange phe­nomenon known as the “cosmic storm.” Some sages theorize that the cosmic storm is actually one end of a “wormhole” in space, and anything sucked in at one end is ejected through the other somewhere (or even some when) else.

It can only be cast in wildspace, more than 100 miles from the nearest planet-sized object. The storm appears in 1-10 turns, at a distance of 1-20 hexes (500 ft./hex) from the spellcaster's current position, in a random direction. Once it has been summoned, the storm cannot be con­trolled by the caster or by anyone else.

Each turn, the storm moves 1-6 hexes in a random direction. At the beginning of each turn, before they make their own movement, all ships within 20 hexes of the storm are moved 4 hexes directly toward it. This movement does not change the ships' headings. Any ship that man­ages to move more than 20 hexes away from the storm is free of its influence. Any ship that enters the same hex as the storm has been engulfed by it.

The cosmic storm is a gateway to other parts of the space-time continuum; any ship absorbed by the storm can be deposited anywhere in the universe. The storm remains in existence until the distance between it and the spellcaster exceeds 20 hexes, or until the spellcaster is absorbed by the storm.

The material components for the spell are a piece of lodestone and a piece of mithral, both of which are consumed in the casting.

Notes: Common for spellcasters from a spell-jamming culture; otherwise, very rare.
