Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This spell creates a floating, weightless, mobile barrier of solid air that blocks all damage from winds, lightning, normal missiles, and heat or cold. A storm shield attracts all electrical discharges within 30 feet and absorbs them so that no harm is done to nearby beings. It automatically neutralizes any extreme of heat (including fire), or cold (including ice), that it comes into contact with, but does so only once for each extreme. A storm shield neutralizes a second encounter or round of contact with either extreme heat or cold, but as it does so, the storm shield itself dissipates, ending the spell.

A storm shield is always about 6 inches thick and occupies a square, flat area of 10 square feet/level, stopping where it encounters solid obstacles. It can be fitted into a narrow passage or opening, so as to seal it entirely or be made to fold in on itself if the caster so wills to make a smaller barrier that can be moved about in narrow confines without becoming stuck. The caster can move the shield by force of will at MV 12 (B) and turn or tilt it as desired, until she or he engages in other spellcasting, whereupon control over the shield is lost, and it remains stationary until the spell expires.

A storm shield is effective from all sides, but it only deflects normal missiles; a sword or other weapon can be thrust through it with no effect on either the shield or the attack.

Notes: Granted by Talos the Destroyer, of the Forgotten Realms setting.
