Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

A stasis field is a region in which time slows to a crawl and energy is reduced to a meaningless fizzle. When created, the stasis field surrounds the psionicist like a bubble. It can have any radius he desires, up to a maximum of 1 yard per each level of his experience. For example, a 10th level psionicist can create a field with up to a 10-yard radius.

From the outside, the stasis field looks like a slightly shimmering, completely smooth silver globe. When something presses against the edge, it gives slight resistance, but the object passes through.

Inside the field, all is murky and dim. Light filters through from the outside, but it turns gray. A light source inside is only about one-fourth as bright as usual.

Time is 60 times slower in a stasis field. That is, for every round (or minute) that passes inside, an hour elapses outside (this dilation is not apparent to those inside the field, however). Each round the psionicist spends inside, he must pay 20 points to maintain the stasis field.

Energy and motion also change inside a stasis field. Energy magicks - e.g., fireball, magic missile, cone of cold, and flamestrike - have no effect; the spells appear and then fizzle in midair. Movement is slowed down visibly, and swift objects are affected more than slow objects. Character and creature movement rates are halved. A dagger can easily be pushed through someone, but a lightninglike slash with a sword is slowed to a graceful arc, almost like slow motion. A missile weapon is useless; the missile drifts lazily through the air, only to bounce off an unwary target or be dodged by a target who's looking.

If the psionicist keeps the stasis field centered on himself, it moves with him. He can transfer the focal point of the field to anything he touches, however. Then he can move freely within the field, or even leave it. If he does leave the field, the cost to maintain it is reduced to 1 point per round (from one perspective, this is actually an increase in cost, since it equals 60 points for every round which passes inside. Remember, one hour outside equals one round inside). While outside the field, the psionicist can roam up to 100 yards from it and still maintain the field. However, he cannot move the field from the outside. To move it again, he must re-enter it.

Power Score - No other effect.

20 - The psionicist pays the full initial PSP cost.
