Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This is not a psychosis; it's the power to divide one's mind into two independent parts. Each part functions in complete autonomy, like two characters in one body. Both parts communicate fully. Both can use psionic powers, even at the same time. That means a split personality can use twice as many psionic powers per round (the character's total number of PSPs remains the same, however, with both personalities drawing from it). Alternately, one personality can use psionic powers while the other does something else - e.g., converse, ponder a puzzle, or control the body in melee. Thus, split personality allows a character to fight physically and psionically at the same time.

Mental attacks directed against the psionicist affect only half of the mind. Contact must be established separately with each half. If one half is destroyed, controlled, or subdued somehow, the other half can continue fighting independently and retains control of the body.

Before he attempts to make his personality whole again, the psionicist must make a saving throw vs. paralyzation if any of the following is true: 1) he does not control both portions of his mind, 2) he has unrepaired psychic damage, or 3) is suffering unwanted contact. A successful save means that his mind returns to complete health and throws off all undesired influences. Failure means that the afflicted portion of his mind becomes dominant and he passes out for 1d6 turns, but regains consciousness free of undesired influences.

Power Score - The mind splits into three parts instead of two.

20 - The character passes out for 1d6 turns.
