Splicing psionic powers is tremendously useful. In effect, the psionicist is splicing together two or more separate powers into one psionic release. This is very difficult, however, and it requires great precision. The more powers the psionicist attempts to splice, the more likely he is to fail.
First, the character must make a successful splice check. His power score is decreased 2 points for each power being spliced. For example, if he is splicing two powers, his score equals intelligence -4. The initial cost of this endeavor is 5 PSPs for every power being spliced.
If the character passes this first power check, he must then initiate each spliced power in succession-without interruption. He does not have to make a separate splicing check for each of these powers, but he still pays their initial costs. Furthermore, each spliced power has absolutely no effect at this time.
Once all the powers have been initiated, the psionicist must make a second splice check (his power score is still reduced two points for each power being spliced). If he fails this check, all his efforts are lost; the PSPs he spent are gone, and none of the powers works. If the power check succeeds, the psionicist can maintain the splice by expending 1 PSP per spliced power per round.
At any later time (during which the splice has been maintained), the psionicist can unleash the spliced series of powers. In effect, he performs all of the spliced powers simultaneously - or with split second separations if desired. Success is not automatic. The psionicist must perform the individual power checks for these spliced powers when he releases them. He does not have to pay their initial costs again, however.
The maximum number of powers that a psionicist can splice equals his experience level. For example, a 2nd level psionicist can splice up to two powers, and a 3rd level psionicist can splice up to three. A complex splice is a long shot at best, however. As noted above, a psionicist's power score decreases two points for every power he attempts to splice. That means a character who attempts a five-power splice has a score of Int -10.
Many psionicists use splice to combine just two powers: contact, and another power that requires contact. This is the most common combination.
Power Score - The character receives a +2 bonus on power checks when unleashing the spliced powers.
20 - No other effect.