Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This spell is an insidious enchantment that tempts the heart and soul of any victim subject to its degenerative effects. The effects of a spiritual corruption spell can only be ended by a limited wish or wish spells or the actions of a deity, artifact, or relic. Dispel magic and simi lar spells have no effect. The casting of this spell is an evil act.

The target of the spell is entitled to an initial saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effects of spiritual corruption entirely. Good-aligned beings receive a +4 bonus to their initial saving throw, neutral-aligned beings (with respect to good and evil) receive no bonus or penalty, and evil-aligned creatures are unaffected by this spell.

Once under the effects of a spiritual corruption spell, a victim's moral fiber is severely tested.

Within one day of the casting of this spell, a victim is tested by a minor moral dilemma, selected by the DM. If the victim fails a saving throw vs. spell (secretly rolled by the DM, and the above mentioned modifiers do not apply), she or he chooses the morally suspect option. If the victim succeeds at the saving throw, the victim is no longer under the effect of the spiritual corruption spell. Saving throws can, of course, be voluntarily forgone.

If the saving throw is failed on the first day, the victim is tested again by a more significant moral dilemma on the second day. Again a saving throw is required, this time with a -1 penalty. If the saving throw succeeds, the victim is tested again the following day by a less significant moral dilemma, but with no penalty to his or her saving throw. If the saving throw fails, the temptations increase, and a third test occurs on the third day, with a -2 penalty.

This series of temptations fluctuates in degree and penalty indefinitely until the victim either makes his or her saving throw on a day with no penalty or until the victim fails a saving throw vs. spell with a - 7 penalty. In the former case, victims are no longer under the effect of the spiritual corruption spell, but they still have to deal with the consequences of their moral failures and may need an atonement spell. In the latter case, the spell also ends, but the victim's alignment irrevocably shifts to evil (their alignment with respect to law and chaos remains unchanged), and they feel strongly drawn to the worship of Gargauth.

The material component of this spell is a piece of fruit that looks delicious on the outside, but which is completely rotten within.

Notes: Granted by the evil demigod Gargauth the Outcast of the Forgotten Realms setting.
