Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This spell enables a caster who is touching a book of any sort and a living creature to cause book and being to be bound together. Any damage done to the book is suffered by the being by the same means. (For instance, if the book is put into flames, the spell recipient is burned, no matter how distant from the book.) However, the linked being can vanish into the book whenever desired.

Materialization and dematerialization both take 1 round. While within the book, the bound being can see, hear, and speak normally, but cannot move things, including the book, nor feel or move its body, clothing, or any carried items. A being spellbound in a book cannot be seen by those examining it by nonmagical means. The spellbound being can read the surface thoughts of anyone reading or flipping through the book (akin to the 2nd-level wizard spell ESP) if it concentrates on doing so.

A spellbound being can freely leave the book it is linked to at any time unless other spells are cast upon the book to restrict this. While within the tome it need not rest, sleep, eat, or drink. All body processes, including healing, are suspended for the spellbound being while it is in the book.

A successful dispel magic cast by a spellcaster of at least 20th level destroys the binding between book and being without damaging either. Utter destruction of the book ends the spell and deals the being it was linked to 4dl2 points of damage. The death of a spellbound being in turn forces an item saving throw vs. acid on the book to avoid its crumbling to dust forever. This disintegration takes three rounds and can be halted by a successful dispel magic spell, wish, or limited wish cast within this time.

Notes: Granted by Oghma, Lord of Knowl­edge, in the Forgotten Realms setting.
