Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This power resembles molecular manipulation, except that it weakens the entire object instead of small area across a single plane. The object softens overall, losing its rigidity and strength. Specific effects vary, depending on the material.

Metal: For each round of softening, weapons incur a -1 penalty to attack rolls and cause one less point of damage, cumulatively. The armor class of metal armor increases one point per round of softening. After 10 rounds, any metal becomes soft and rubbery, but retains its shape.

Wood: Like metal, weapons with wooden shafts or handles suffer a -1 penalty to attack rolls and damage per round of softening. After six rounds, wood becomes stringy and rubbery but retains its shape. After 10 rounds, the grain can be split easily and a punch can break through even the hardest and thickest doors or chests.

Stone: After two rounds, stone becomes noticeably soft to the touch. After five rounds, it can be worked like stiff clay, but this is as soft as it gets.

Magical Items: Save vs. crushing blow to escape the effect entirely.

Living Tissue: No effect.

DMs can use their own judgement and the examples above to handle other materials.

Power Score - All effects are doubled.

20 - The item is strengthened, and can't be affected again until the psionicist gains one level.
