- For other Charm Spells, see Charm.
- Named "Snake Charm" in "Powers & Pantheons". Renamed "Snake Charm of Sseth" in "Priest's Spell Compendium".
By staring into a creature 's eyes and swaying his or her head back and forth slightly, the caster of this spell can hypnotize one creature. The target is entitled to a saving throw vs. spell. If the target succeeds, the spell has no effect. If the target fail s, it fall s under the effect s of the snake charm.
While entranced by the snake charm, the victim simply stares at the spellcaster and cannot perform any other action. The spell effect ends immediately if the spellcaster performs any other action except moving at no more than half normal movement rate or if the victim is physically shaken or attacked in any manner.
A snake charm is not a particularly deep enchantment, hence a victim can respond to any attack in the same round, although victims always attack last and can perform only a single action if normally allowed multiple actions. Note that this spell has no effect on undead creatures of any sort.
Notes: Granted by the snake god Sseth of the Forgotten Realms setting.