Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
For other Felines, see Feline.

Luck Eater[]

Luck eaters look like slender, short-haired domestic cats with golden or black fur. They impose a -5 penalty to the surprise rolls of those it encounters, though it is wholly unable to inflict physical damage on another creature.

When encountered, a luck eater begins to purr softly, causing all creatures within 30 feet to become attracted to the animal unless they succeed with a saving throw vs. spell (with a -2 penalty). Those who succeed are unaffected, but a new save must be rolled each round they remain within 30 feet of the luck eater. Those under the creature's spell want to bring it with them and protect it from harm. The luck eater always permits this, staying for 1d4+1 hours, purring all the time.

While the luck eater is with a party, all creatures within its range suffer a -2 penalty to all saving throws, attack rolls, and ability checks. In addition, all damage they inflict is reduced by 10%. In some unknown way, the luck eater is able to feed itself with the shifts in probability it induces.

If the luck eater's companions have not fed it within three turns (that is, no rolls are attempted by anyone within 30 feet of the creature), it alters its purr slightly. All of its previous victims must now roll another saving throw vs. spell (one per round while within 30 feet of the luck eater). Those who fail attack the next creature they encounter.

If the luck eater continues unfed for another 30 minutes, it alters its purr once again. This time, a successful saving throw vs. spell is required to avoid attacking the nearest creature (friend or foe), excepting only the luck eater itself. This battle continues for ten rounds or until a death occurs. The luck eater always slips away during the melee.

In any event, the luck eater departs after 1d4+1 hours in the company of its benefactors. Those previously attracted to the luck eater regain their senses 1d6 turns after leaving the animal's aura.

Change Cat[]

The change cat is a product of tampering by ancient magical forces. In effect, a change cat is two creatures in one. Its natural form, and that in which it spends most of its time, is that of a domestic cat. In this body, it is identical to that animal in all respects. At will, however, the change cat can transform itself into a large, cheetah-like plains cat. The statistics listed are for the latter form.

The change cat was created by a powerful magician long ago to act as a faithful pet and a sentinel for his most valuable treasures. Being very fond of cats and having a strong dislike for guards, he set about to create the perfect house cat for a powerful wizard. Although many of these animals now roam the wilds of the world, they are still encountered as pets in the homes of powerful and rich people.

Change cats are fond of humans, elves, and half-elves, suspicious of gnomes, dwarves, and halflings, and have a great dislike of races such as goblins, orcs, and half-orcs.

In its larger form, the change cat can sprint with a movement rate of 45 for two rounds. This effort is quite exhausting, however, requiring the cat to rest for two rounds afterward before it can sprint again. A change cat can switch forms in one round. It may remain in either form for as long as it desires (though it prefers to remain in its normal cat form when not in combat).

If a change cat is treated kindly by a human, elf, or half-elf, it will often (75%) adopt that person and follow him around, giving no hint of its unique nature and special abilities. If its new companion is attacked, however, there is a 50% chance that the change cat transforms and comes to their aid.
