- See also Shooting Stars (Priest Spell).
This spell creates three small, glowing missiles with fiery tails that shoot forth from the caster's fingertips, flying in a straight path toward any target within range designated by the caster. No attack roll is required, but creatures targeted by the spell receive a saving throw vs. spell to dodge each shooting star. This saving throw is modified by the target's range; creatures within 20 yards save with a -2 penalty, creatures within 40 yards save at a -1 penalty, and creatures more than 40 yards away save normally.
The shooting stars detonate on impact, inflicting 12 points of damage upon the creature struck, and then explode for 24 points of fiery damage in a 10-foot radius. Creatures within this area (included the original target) receive a saving throw vs. spell for half damage. Untargeted shooting stars or those that miss their intended targets simply explode at the end of the spell range.
The missiles can be released one at a time or simultaneously, but any not released before the spell's end are lost.
The material component is a wax candle that must be lighted and held while the spell is in effect.
Notes: Rare for fire mages; otherwise, very rare. (Updated from Polyhedron Newszine.)