Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This spell was specifically designed to combat the circle spell developed by the Red Wizards of Thay, traditional enemies of the priests of Thoth. It is only effective while a circle spell is in progress. When shatter circle is cast, the Red Wizard who is the focus of the circle must make a successful saving throw vs. spell at his or her actual (not enhanced) level or the circles spell is shattered and any additional memorized spells gained from that circle spell are lost. This saving throw is penalized by - 1 for every three levels above 9th (rounding down) of the casting priest of Thoth. Hence there is a -1 penalty if the priest of Thoth casting shatter circle is 12th to 15th level, -2 penalty if the priest of Thoth is 16th to I 9th level, etc.

Although it was not designed for this purpose, this spell is also effective against the spellmelds of the Witches of Rashemen. If shatter circle is cast during a round in which one Witch is transferring a spell to another witch, the receiving Witch must make a successful saving throw vs. spell for the spellmeld to operate normally. If she fails her saving throw, the spell is entirely lost to both witches.

The material component for this spell is a crushed ruby of at least 500 gp value.

Notes: Granted by the Mulhorandi deity Thoth of the Forgotten Realms setting.
