Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

When this spell is cast, the wizard brings into being a cat made of shadow. The shadowcat is the size of a normal cat and may be either grey or black at the caster's option. The caster has complete telepathic control of the feline; he can see, hear, and even speak through it as long as it remains within range. At the moment it moves out of range, the shadowcat vanishes. The caster does not need to concentrate on the shadowcat.

The shadowy feline is insubstantial, making subject only to magical or special attacks, including those by weapons of +1 or better. It has AC 5, a movement rate of 18, and saving throws equal to those of the caster. The cat dissipates if it loses hit points equal to one-half the caster's total hit points. The shadowcat has no attacks of its own and cannot touch or carry objects. A successful dispel magic spell causes the cat to vanish.

A shadowcat makes no sound as it moves. It is 90% undetectable in all but the brightest conditions. It can pass through small holes or narrow openings.

The material components of this spell are a black pearl of at least 100 gp value and a claw from a grey or black cat.
