Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

The Complete Psionics Handbook[]

A psionicist using this power actually transforms himself into living shadow, along with his clothing, armor, and up to 20 pounds of equipment. He can blend perfectly into any other shadow and travel with a movement rate of 6. He can only travel through darkness and shadow, however. Areas of open light are impassable.

While in shadow-form, the psionicist can be detected only by life detection, other types of psychic detection, or by a true seeing spell. He cannot harm anyone physically, or manipulate any corporeal object, but he can still use psionic powers.

If the psionicist rolls a 1 on his power check, he becomes shadow but none

of his clothing or equipment makes the switch.

Power Score - The psionicist gains all desirable powers of the "shadow" monster for 1d4 turns.

20 - The player must roll a save vs. lightning for the psionicist's most valuable item. If it fails, the item becomes shadow and drifts away, lost forever.

Player's Option: Skills & Powers[]

This power transforms the user into living shadow. The user, his clothing, armor, and up to 20 pounds of equipment all transform. He can blend perfectly into any other shadow. His movement rate, however, is 6 (regardless of what it was before), and he can only travel through darkness and shadow. Areas of open light are impassable.

While in shadowform, the user only can be noticed by life detection, other types of psionic detection, or by a true seeing spell. He can't harm anyone physically or manipulate any corporeal objects, but he can use psionic powers.
