The most powerful characters on Athas combine the study of psionics with the study of another discipline. Dragons study sorcery in conjunction with the Way, while elemental clerics harness the power of their minds to the power of their worship. The sensei combines an intensive physical training program with the Way, seeking to become the perfect weapon.
The sensei are very rare in the Tyr region, since their art is extraordinarily demanding. Few people are even aware that they exist. Each sensei charts his own course in life; there is no organization or school that binds them together. Some may be assassins, others gladiators, and others wandering champions who fight against injustice.
In addition to the normal psionicist requirements, a sensei must have a Dexterity of 15 or better and a Strength of 13 or better. Only humans muls, and half-elves may become sensei.
Role: Sensei may be the most dangerous character kit in the campaign. They are students of the art of combat, seeking to defeat their foes physically, mentally, and spiritually. They are supremely confident in their abilities and understand their capabilities and limitations exactly. Mere treasure is not enough to win a sensei's service; they only exercise their skills for worthy causes.
In the adventuring party, the sensei is an infiltrator and scout who can strike swiftly to devastating effect. His dedication to self-improvement makes him an unapproachable character who inspires fear in friend and foe alike. There is little room in the sensei's existence for anything but the quest for perfection.
Preferred Disciplines: The sensei must choose Psychometabolism or Psychokinesis as his primary discipline. Psychoportation and Telepathy are preferred choices for secondary disciplines.
Weapon Proficiencies: The sensei gains an extra weapon proficiency, which must be spent to learn martial arts. He may choose his other weapons from the following list: dagger, dart, knife, quarterstaff, spear, gythka, or chatkcha. At least half of all weapons proficiencies must be spent on learning unarmed fighting styles. Refer to "Proficiencies" in Chapter Four.
Nonweapon Proficiencies:
- Bonus Rejuvenation, tumbling.
- Recommended: Blind-fighting, dancing, direction sense, swimming, healing, juggling, jumping, tightrope walking, endurance, running.
Equipment: The sensei wears no armor, as it hampers his ability to move. He may use any of the weapons listed above.
Special Benefits: The sensei is allowed to study martial arts or unarmed combat. He may continue to specialize in these fields, spending additional proficiency slots to improve his attack and damage rolls. In addition to his unarmed combat ability, the sensei also gains a +1 attack bonus with any weapon he is proficient in to reflect his superb training.
Sensei can also learn the rogue or warrior skills listed under "New Nonweapon Proficiencies" at the normal cost, without paying the one-slot penalty for choosing a proficiency out of the character group. The sensei learns many physical skills in addition to his combat training and psychic advancement.
Special Hindrances: The sensei may not wear armor or use magical devices to improve his Armor Class. He will not use magical weapons, either. The sensei believes in his own ability and disdains the use of such crutches in the practice of his art.
Since he seeks to master both physical and psionic skills, the sensei is not as devoted to pure psionic study as other psionicists are. He suffers a penalty of 1 PSP per level. A sensei with a Wisdom of 16 would gain 10 PSPs per level, rather than the 11 he normally would.
Wealth Options: Sensei care nothing for material wealth. He begins play with 3d4 × 10 ceramic pieces and may never carry more personal treasure than can fit in a small belt pouch.