Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

The Complete Psionics Handbook[]

This is one-way communication, allowing the telepath to send his own thoughts to someone else's mind. The telepath can send information or simply distract the target.

If the target is a wizard casting a spell, he must make a saving throw vs. spells. The wizard applies a modifier to the save: the difference between his Intelligence and the telepath's power score. (If the wizard's Intelligence is higher, it's a bonus; if it's lower, it's a penalty.) If this save fails, the wizard's concentration is broken and the spell is spoiled.

If the target being distracted is someone involved in melee, he has a twopoint penalty on all attack rolls (but not damage rolls).

Power Score - Wizards cannot make the saving throw.

20 - If the receiver is a friend, he is distracted.

Player's Option: Skills & Powers[]

This power only works on an open mind, allowing the user to send his thoughts to another mind via one-way communication. He can send information or simply use the power to distract the target. If the target is a wizard casting a spell, he gets a save vs. spell. If the wizard fails his save, his concentration is broken and the spell fails. If the target is distracted while in melee combat, he receives a –2 penalty to all attack rolls.

Target's Level PSP Cost
1–5 levels or HD 3/2
6–10 levels or HD 4/2
11–15 levels or HD 5/3
16–20 levels or HD 6/3
21+ levels or HD 8/4